Real time data means more time at the face.

Real time data means more time at the face.

Paul Gomirato has not set their biography yet

Maestro Airflow achieves breakthrough

Image of the Superbrite Marquee Display

A new and improved air quality monitoring system developed by startup Maestro Ventilation in Sudbury is already in 40 mines around the world after being on the market for just one year.

The product, Maestro Airflow, collects real-time air quality data and diagnostics from airflow and gas sensors throughout a mine at a fraction of the cost of conventional systems.

Partners Dave Ballantyne of Enfinitiy Inc. and Mike Gribbons ofSynergy Controls pooled their technology and marketing expertise to make it happen.

“We met at a restaurant over lunch to catch up with each other and Dave told me he came up with this really cool way of measuring airflow underground,” recalled Gribbons. “You plug it in directly to a network switch. I said ‘What about the PLCs and all of the other infrastructure.’ He said you don’t need any of it.

Read more of the article in Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal here.


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2578 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine – A leader in mine ventilation and automation

Bell Excellence Awards

Left to right: Don Duval, NORCAT, Dave Ballantyne, Maestro Digital Mine, Michael Gribbons, Maestro Digital Mine, Bill Best, Cambrian College

Sudbury, Ontario – Maestro Digital Mine is being recognized as an innovator in mine ventilation and automation.

The Sudbury-based company was honoured at the 19th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration May 12 at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.

David Ballantyne, vice-president of development and technology and Michael Gribbons, vice president of marketing and sales, were on hand to accept the Innovation Award, sponsored by Cambrian College and Bell Business Excellence Awards.

The Innovation Award is presented to a company that has demonstrated product research, prototype development and environmental innovation. Judging is based on key criteria including Product Research and Development, Environmental Innovation, Marketing of New Innovations and Impact on Community. 

Maestro Digital Mine serves the underground mine ventilation and automation sector. Its product line delivers energy savings and productivity improvement while working to provide healthier and safer working conditions for miners.

“So much of what we have accomplished in the last few years is a team effort; listening to clients, analyzing their needs and then implementing solutions,” said Mr. Gribbons.

“When it comes to product development, we also consult with the world’s leading global mining companies, ventilation consultants and VOD integrators.”

Maestro is driven to provide ventilation solutions to improve the underground work environment, essentially extending the lives of miners while still providing economical solutions to increase production, reduce energy consumption and green house gases emissions. Maestro has developed the world's first digital ultrasonic airflow sensor, the first web page based Air Quality Station, the first integrated Ethernet fan monitoring system and the first LED web page and Ethernet driven display.

Maestro has developed ventilation solutions for some of the largest global mining corporations including Barrick Gold Corporation, BHP Billiton, Newmont Gold, Xstrata, Rio Tinto and Vale.

For more information:
Michael Gribbons
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Phone:  +1 705 805-6918 ext 203
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maestro Digital Mine
(a division of High Grade Controls Corporation)
87 Magill Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3Y 1K6 Canada


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12722 Hits

Maestro receives NOBA Judges’ Choice Award

Michael Gribbons (left) and David Ballantyne (right) of Maestro Digital Mine are proud to receive the Judges’ Choice Award presented by sponsor David Dynes, Area Manager of Small Business TD Canada Trust at the NOBA held on October 6th, 2016.

Read full article here


For more information:
Michael Gribbons
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Phone:  +1 705 805-6918 ext 203
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maestro Digital Mine
(a division of High Grade Controls Corporation)
87 Magill Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3Y 1K6 Canada


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7824 Hits

Maestro receives UDMN's Outstanding Achievement in Commercialization award

SUDBURY, ON - The Ultra-Deep Mining Network (UDMN) held its second annual Symposium for its 76 network members from across Canada and announced the first of many UDMN commercial successes by one of its members, Maestro Digital Mine.

Maestro was presented with UDMN's Outstanding Achievement in Commercialization award for a technical innovation which ensures the safety of underground miners. The rapid commercial sale of this product to some of the deepest mines in the world is a testament that Maestro's efforts combined with UDMN funding and guidance can in fact bring technology faster to market which in turn benefits the mining industry and Canadians.

Maestro's Vigilante AQS™ is currently being used in over 70 underground mines globally.

Underground mines have challenging environmental conditions that include toxic gases from the drill and blast operation or gases given off by the surrounding strata rock. Protecting miners from acute or chronic gas with potential detrimental health conditions is paramount for any responsible mining company. To achieve this, a variety of sensors are required to transmit real time data from the underground workings to the surface control rooms. By using this technology, miners are able to return safely to their working areas quicker allowing significant productivity increases. However, these sensors require frequent maintenance and calibration in order to maintain accurate measurements. The previous technology required underground calibrations at each individual location using test gases. Several physical and environmental challenges prevented an accurate and repeatable calibration.
Maestro, with the support of the UDMN, has tackled this real-life application by designing and developing a digital gas sensor that can be calibrated on surface in a stable controlled environment. The digital sensors then can be "hot swapped" by a ventilation technician without the requirement of any sort of underground calibration.

Built upon the IoT (Internet of Things), the digital sensors have a complete suite of diagnostics to help determine the health of the complete system and provide maximum system uptime.

"This innovation has allowed our Vigilante AQS™ environmental stations to be installed in some of the deepest mines on the planet," states Michael Gribbons, vice-president of Maestro. "Prior to this innovation, the underground miners lacked the confidence of the gas readings since there was no practical method of calibrating the sensors or understanding if the sensors were even working. The IoT digital sensors allow this to become a reality. This will result in major productivity improvements by getting the miners safely back to the face quicker."

Maestro is driven to provide ventilation solutions to improve the underground work environment and extend miner's lives while still providing economical solutions to increase production, conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gases.
To learn more about how to increase productivity and help keep miner's safe, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information:
Michael Gribbons
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Phone:  +1 705 805-6918 ext 203
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maestro Digital Mine
(a division of High Grade Controls Corporation)
87 Magill Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3Y 1K6 Canada



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8242 Hits

New ventilation control system to save Glencore – Kidd Mine millions every year.

Timmins, Canada – Steve Badenhorst, Glencore’s mine general manager accepts a plaque celebrating an underground mine ventilation control system that provides approximately 25,000 megawatt-hours of electrical energy savings every single year which represents approximately $2,000,000.00 per year.

The mine measures the airflow rate, airflow direction, blast gas concentrations and wet bulb temperature to assure that the miners are kept safe and within the acceptable tolerances using approximately 60 of Maestro’s Vigilante AQS™ Air Quality Stations and approximately 30 U/G Mine Regulators.

Kidd Mine is the world’s deepest base-metal mine below sea level, mining at 9600 feet with shaft bottom at 9889 feet.
The mine also has the longest surface-to-bottom ramp in the world. Kidd Mine produces an average of 40,000 tonnes of copper and 70,000 of zinc annually. For the complete article click here

Maestro is driven to provide ventilation solutions to improve the underground work environment and extend miner's lives while still providing economical solutions to increase production, conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gases.

To learn more about how to increase productivity and help keep miner's safe, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information:
Michael Gribbons
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Phone:  +1 705 805-6918 ext 203
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maestro Digital Mine
(a division of High Grade Controls Corporation)
87 Magill Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3Y 1K6 Canada



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10653 Hits

UDMN member: Maestro Digital Mine highlighted at CEMI’s 10 Year AGM Celebration

UDMN member: Maestro Digital Mine highlighted 
at CEMI’s 10 Year AGM Celebration

Sudbury, ON (September 27, 2017) – CEMI (Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation) celebrates 10-year anniversary of delivering mining innovations at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Dynamic Earth to a packed theatre highlighting CEMI's results, partners and dedication to delivering technical solutions to the mining industry through innovation and commercialization.

Members from the Ultra Deep Mining Network (UDMN) presented their commercially viable projects and how they are implementing their technologies into the mining industry. Among the speakers, Mr. Michael Gribbons, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Maestro Digital Mine presented their project under the UDMN theme: Improved Human Health and Effectiveness entitled, “Environmental Air Quality Stations for Deep Mining”. In 2016, this project won the UDMN Outstanding Achievement in Commercialization for taking their UDMN commercially viable innovation to completion, achieving a commercial sale(s) and creating a new and important technical product category within the marketplace for use in mining operations. Maestro Digital Mine’s technical innovation, the first recipient of the award, ensures the safety of underground miners. In addition to Maestro, UDMN members Jannatec Technologies and Electrale Innovation/MIRARCO were also featured as part of the UDMN Innovation Showcase.

CEMI coordinated a dynamic SME-led Innovator Panel: What it takes to be a successful Innovator in Mining! The panel explored what it takes to get their innovative ideas adopted by the mining industry. Gained valuable insights into how SMEs have identified the needs of the mining industry and how they are delivering solutions. Moderated by Dick Destefano, Executive Director, SAMSSA, panelists included: Walter Siggelkow, Founder and President, Hard-Line; Michael Gribbons, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Maestro Digital Mine; Christine Haas, President, Renix; and Chris Novak, CEO and Owner, Centric Mining Systems. These innovative thought leaders engaged the audience and shared their strategies on how they have grown their business, taken risks, empowered their people, developed their business through new products, services, technologies and continue to take advantage of new market opportunities.

Maestro Digital Mine is featured in the CEMI 2017 Annual Report.

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7889 Hits

Transforming the Mining Industry into the Digital Era

Image of people standing in front of display system

Maestro Digital Mine provides insight to two top government officials on the importance of real time data at the working face. This data can provide significant productivity and safety improvements especially as miners have suffered from lower productivity and higher costs over the past ten years.

Left to right: David Ballantyne – VP of Product Innovation and Development – Maestro Digital Mine, Stephen Orsini - Secretary of the Cabinet, Head of the Ontario Public Service and Clerk of the Executive Council, David de Launay - Deputy Minister – Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Michael Gribbons – VP of Sales and Marketing – Maestro Digital Mine


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3768 Hits

Decades-old technology gets new purpose underground

Image of David Ballantyne, vice-president of product development, with a Plexus Powernet, which is currently running a lighted sign in Maestro Digital Mine's office in Lively.

Maestro Digital Mine introduces Plexus Powernet, which uses copper coaxial cable to get data from the mine face to surface faster.

As mines rely more on real-time information and advanced diagnostics, the need for pervasive connectivity has become more critical.

Maestro Digital Mine has come up with a solution that borrows from an old method of delivering TV channels and the Internet to the home: a copper coaxial cable network.

Read the full article here at Northern Ontario Business. (Article and photo by Karen McKinley.)


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5691 Hits

The benefits of smart ventilation

Miner in an underground tunnel, attaching the Maestro Digital Mine Vigilante AQS to their system. A Superbrite Display unit is in the background hanging from the tunnel roof.

Ventilation systems are crucial to ensure safe working conditions in underground mines. They provide fresher, cooler air for mineworkers, as well as clearing toxic fumes from blasting and exhaust fumes from diesel equipment. In deep and hot mines, ventilation is also required to cool the workplace for miners. The primary sources of heat in underground hard-rock mines are virgin-rock temperature, machinery, auto compression and fissure water, while other small contributing factors are human body heat and blasting.

A good mine-ventilation system is a real-time process that requires excellent balancing of climate controls and the dilution of exhaust gases and hazardous substances to ensure a safe working environment for staff. Ventilation raises are excavated to provide ventilation for the workplaces, and they can also be modified for use as emergency escape routes.

Ever-increasing energy costs and the need to conserve energy have prompted many mines to examine their operations and identify potential saving methods. Ventilation systems are a large part of the energy consumption of underground mines, particularly deeper mines - at some sites it can account for as much as 50% of the total energy consumption. Smart ventilation systems, which bring the supply of ventilation in line with the demands of the mine, can result in significant energy and cost savings.

Read the full article here. (Article by Ailbhe Goodbody, Mining Magazine)


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5175 Hits

Maestro releases remote fan monitoring solution

Derrick Meyer, system technologist, Maestro Digital Mine, demonstrates the new FanMon primary and booster fan monitoring system.

Maestro Digital Mine has released a new product called FanMon that allows technicians to remotely dial into a ventilation fan to monitor its performance and diagnose problems.

“One of the challenges with ventilation fans is that there are very few mining companies with fan specialists on staff,” explained Michael Gribbons, Maestro’s vice-president of marketing and sales. “Vale and Glencore in Sudbury have them, but outside of these two companies, they don’t exist, so most mines need to have a third party fly in.”

FanMon tracks the performance metrics of main and booster fans ranging in size and power from 500 to 4,500 horsepower and is Ethernet enabled for remote communication, allowing a fan specialist in Toronto, for example, to monitor fan performance and diagnose a problem without the expense of a trip to a mine a thousand kilometres away.

Read the full article here. (Article by Norm Tollinsky, Sudbury Mining Solutions)

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3393 Hits

No point of failure

Plexus PowerNet

"As mines go digital and robotised, communication networks are having to handle vast quantities of data and analytics meaning new solutions are needed to ensure connectivity is never lost", reports Paul Moore, International Mining Magazine.

On Page 22 of International Mining magazine (September 2018 issue), Maestro's Plexus PowerNet is highlighted as one of the innovative digital solutions: "Maestro launches Plexus PowerNet. Maestro Digital Mine has recently introduced Plexus Powernet, which uses copper coaxial cable to get data from the mine face to surface faster. As mines rely more on real-time information and advanced diagnostics, the need for pervasive connectivity has become more critical. Maestro says it has come up with a solution that borrows from an old method of delivering TV channels and the Internet to the home: a copper coaxial cable network."

Read the full article here at International Mining (IM), by Paul Moore (September 2018 issue).


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Interview with Michael Gribbons and David Ballantyne - VP & Co-Founders, Maestro Digital Mine

Dave and Mike with First Plexus.jpg

Interview with Michael Gribbons and David Ballantyne - VP & Co-Founders, Maestro Digital Mine in Global Business Reports, September 18, 2018.

Could you give us an overview of Maestro Digital Mine and the circumstances surrounding its creation?

MG: When Maestro first started, we were mainly focused on ventilation monitoring and controls for the underground mining sector. Recognizing the industry’s growing demand for data, and the challenges that many of our customers encountered with connecting our ventilation solutions to their own networks, we identified a gap in the market. Working with customers on understanding the challenges of traditional communication backbone solutions, we created a solution to extend communications to where it is needed the most, the last mile to the face.  We subsequently rebranded the company as Maestro Digital Mine, which has helped us expand our reach, attributing to the fact that digitization is enabling mines and other industry sectors to be more productive. Since our beginning, we have provided Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions to the global mining industry. Today, Maestro Digital Mine provides a complete mine ventilation and automation network backbone and rugged IIoT devices designed specifically for underground mines that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

Read the full article here at Global Business Reports.



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3069 Hits

Global Business Reports interviews Rob McEwen - Chairman of McEwen Mining; Fred Stanford - President and CEO of Torex Gold Resources; David Ballantyne - VP of Innovation & Michael Gribbons - VP of Sales and Marketing of Maestro Digital Mine

Cover of Ontario Mining 2018 pre-Release Edition 

and other mining and mine service companies about the strength of innovation in Ontario - Canada.
Click here to learn more.


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5429 Hits

Vigilante AQS™ air quality stations keep workers safe in Saskatchewan potash mines

Cover of PotashWorks 2018-2019 issue 

The Potash Industry solves underground ventilation monitoring by using the Vigilante AQS™ air quality stations that measure six different gases, airflow rate and direction, humidity, wet/dry bulb temperature and barometric pressure.  All in a simple, compact and affordable - networkable - plug in station.  Read more here.




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Invitation to Industry-led Panel Discussion at PDAC Conference

PDAC Save the Date invitation 


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2696 Hits

Technologies and Innovation - Disrupting the Industry

Global Business Reports 2019

Global Business Reports - Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2019 features an editorial on how Maestro is enabling the digital mine through connectivity at the working face. 
Turn to page 85 of the publication to learn more.


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2544 Hits

Maestro launches the Ethernet/IO at the SME Conference

Mike Gribbons standing in front of the Maestro Digital Mine booth at the SME Conference


Maestro Digital Mine launches its latest underground digital solution: EthernetI/O™
International Mining (press release)

'At the SME Annual Conference in Denver, Maestro Digital Mine has launched its latest digital solution, the EthernetI/O™. Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers Internet of Things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimisation of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro’s EthernetI/O™ “provides both remote I/O functions as well as two full PID control loops over standard industrial Ethernet communication protocols. EthernetI/O™ helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive PLCs in the underground mine environment, saving both time and money.”' Read more here.


DIGITAL MINING: Maestro launches new solution to make the complex simple
Canadian Mining Journal

'DENVER – Maestro Digital Mine launched its latest digital solution, the EthernetI/O Maestro manufacturers internet of things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication.
Maestro’s EthernetI/O is a simple solution to complex underground monitoring.
Maestro’s EthernetI/O provides both remote I/O functions as well as two full PID control loops over standard industrial Ethernet communication protocols. EthernetI/O helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive PLCs in the underground mine environment, saving both time and money.' Read more here.


Maestro launches EthernetI/O at SME

'Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Internet of Things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimisation of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication.
Maestro's EthernetI/O provides both remote input/output (I/O) functions as well as two full proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control loops over standard industrial Ethernet communication protocols. EthernetI/O helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in the underground mine environment, saving both time and money.' Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine launches latest digital solution
Global Mining Review

'On February 25 2019 at the SME Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, US, Maestro Digital Mine launched its latest digital solution, the EthernetI/O™.
Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers Internet of Things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimisation of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro’s EthernetI/O™ provides both remote I/O functions as well as two full PID control loops over standard industrial Ethernet communication protocols. EthernetI/O™ helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive PLCs in the underground mine environment, saving both time and money.' Read more here.


Maestro develops product to replace PLCs
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

'Reduced capex, faster delivery. Maestro Digital Mine, the Sudbury-based company that developed the Vigilante Air Quality Monitoring System and the Plexus PowerNet that facilitates the deployment and maintenance of WiFi in underground mines, has launched a new product called Ethernet I/O to reduce the number of PLCs –programmable logic controllers – that are being installed underground. PLCs, says Michael Gribbons, vice-president, Maestro Digital Mine, are a huge expense and take too long to put together.' Read more here.


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2696 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine – enabling digital mining through connectivity

Group image

'One question has been at the backbone of David Ballantyne and Michael Gribbons’ partnership at Maestro Digital Mine: how to make the working conditions of underground mines safer while at the same time increasing productivity.

Maestro specializes in using technology to monitor and control the quality of the air to the mine workings.'

To read more turn to page 44 of The Drift - Mining in Northern Ontario magazine.


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2689 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine hosts Industry-led Digital Mining Panel – Industry 4.0 in action at PDAC 2019

Close up of host Bob McDonald and panelists

On Monday, March 4, 2019, Maestro Digital Mine was proud to be hosting this Industry-led Panel Discussion on Implementation and Adoption of Digital Solutions into Operating Mines at the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase at the PDAC Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to a packed house (over 120 people) from the global mining industry.

Group photo of MDM Panelists and organizers

The expert Panelists included: Theophile Yameogo, Vice President of Digital Innovation at Dundee Precious Metals; Ethan Hull, CEO of TECHrep Global, and formerly at Barrick Gold; Chris Burgess, Director of Innovation and Transformation at Yamana Gold; and Michel Samovojski, Technology Co-ordinator for the Canadian North-East District of Goldcorp. The panel was moderated by Bob McDonald, host of CBC Radio’s National science program, Quirks and Quarks.
The Digital Mine is founded on the collection and use of data to provide operational visibility and decision support that help increase production, reduce costs and enhance worker safety.  The integration of Industrial Internet of Things (digital) solutions into mine operations have provided the foundational building blocks for the Digital Mine. The mining industry is embracing the term “Industry 4.0,” an interactive network of robotics, sensors, and machines regulated by data-driven computer algorithms and controlled via the Internet and its users across mining operations, driven by results. Enabling the Digital Mine starts with connectivity, a digital technology that Maestro Digital Mine specializes in delivering to the mining industry. 

What does Industry 4.0 look like to the mining industry in action? Digital transformation enables disruptive mining innovations, connecting mine wide systems, helping to unlock value and drive better safety and production outcomes!  Maestro Digital Mine brought together global mining leaders who are enabling digital technologies into operating mines. The Panel discussed valuable insights, successful integration examples, lessons learned and best practices & processes on how to improve safety, efficiency and productivity through integrating digital technologies into mine operations. Ultimately, discussing the future for advancing the digital mine!

To view video of panel session, CLICK HERE.

Panel Invite Poster

Here is a clip featuring the audience in attendance.

Image of PDAC panel audience and link to video clip

Maestro Digital Mine in NOMS at PDAC 2019

To view video, CLICK HERE.

Media Coverage: 

'Data democracy' changing the mining industry
Northern Ontario Business

'Why should the mining industry go digital?
Several experts at the 2019 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada convention had their reasons, emphasizing that data is critical for all aspects of operations and gives all members ownership in the results. Sudbury’s Maestro Digital Mine hosted a special panel discussion on the subject at the convention’s Northern Ontario Mining Showcase on March 4.' Read more here.


The Challenges and Triumphs of [digitalization]

'The ongoing digitalization of mining is presenting both exciting results and plenty of challenges. A panel of experts at this year’s Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada convention in Toronto in March dished on both aspects to an audience of more than 120 gathered at the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase. Moderated by Bob McDonald, host of CBC Radio’s Quirks and Quarks, and organized by Maestro Digital Mine, the panel discussed what the digital age is already enabling miners to do, how they see it progressing in future, and also shared their difficulties with the process. But first, they outlined why digitalization is so important to the mining industry.' Read more here.


Digital mining is here to stay, but there are some challenges
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

'Digital mining is here to stay for Canadian mining companies but there are still some challenges to be overcome. That was the consensus of a group of mining executives who took part in the panel discussion hosted by the Maestro Digital Mine company of Sudbury at the annual convention of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) held in March. The event was one of the key presentations at the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase and was moderated by Bob McDonald, the well-known hosts of CBC Radio’s Quirks and Quarks science program.' Read more here.


The challenges and triumphs of digitization
Canadian Mining

‘PDAC panel dishes on mining sector’s digital journey. The ongoing digitalization of mining is presenting both exciting results and plenty of challenges. A panel of experts at this year’s Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada convention in Toronto in March dished on both aspects to an audience of more than 120 gathered at the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase. Moderated by Bob McDonald, host of CBC Radio’s Quirks and Quarks, and organized by Maestro Digital Mine, the panel discussed what the digital age is already enabling miners to do, how they see it progressing in future, and also shared their difficulties with the process. But first, they outlined why digitalization is so important to the mining industry.’ Read more here.


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4526 Hits

Ensuring continuous communication

Image of Maestro Digital Mine's Plexus PowerNet

'Communications systems for underground mines have changed a lot in the last decade but still have a vital role in safety and operations underground,' finds Ailbhe Goodbody, Mining Magazine

Maestro Digital Mine works with mining companies globally to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions.

Its Plexus PowerNet™, which is one of the first powered coaxial gigabit networks, delivers a high-speed, low-latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ [powerover- Ethernet] power to WAPs [wireless access points], cameras and any other IP-based device. Gribbons says: “The system eliminates the need for costly outside fibre optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any internal tradesperson or development miner.”

It provides a robust, simple-to-deploy, one-cable solution for network connectivity. Gribbons states: “Plexus makes installation simple, using a single coaxial cable that carries both power and network connectivity. This eliminates the need to run both fibre and power to new network devices.” It is designed to simplify the installation, extension and maintenance of the network, while enabling high-bandwidth, low-latency, low-jitter data and endpoint power using coaxial copper cable. Gribbons says: “The termination process now becomes easy and cost-effective, utilising basic tools. A termination can be completed by any tradesperson in less than two minutes.”

In addition, the nodes provide an easy way to terminate, troubleshoot and deploy standard based IP devices from the Plexus PowerNet™ embedded network switch.

The Plexus PowerNet™ is currently installed and being expanded at 20 mines in Canada, the US, Spain and Finland. “Our current clients have compared other gigabit network solutions and concluded that CAPEX can be decreased in the area of 40-60% without any compromise of network speed or capability,” explains Gribbons. “The Plexus PowerNet™ can be used in mines with or without a fibre optic network. The Plexus has been designed for the quickest, simplest and least expensive ‘last mile’ of communication.”

Maestro continues to develop Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and LTE devices and networks. Gribbons says: “LTE is being attempted at a few mines in Canada but so far, the current technology is not available for accurate tracking. Likely in the next five years, this will be addressed but for today, 802.11 Wi-Fi is the only network that can handle all of today’s use cases.”

Read more of the article here (PDF).

Link to article at Mining Magazine here.


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2776 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine feature interview in the GBR’s Quebec Mining Report

Cover of Quebec Mining Report - Pre-release

The Global Business Report’s Quebec Mining Report to be launched at the upcoming CIM conference in Montreal, features mining companies and suppliers making an impact in the Quebec Mining Industry.

View Pre-release of Global Business Report’s Quebec Mining Report HERE.

GBR’s interview with Michael Gribbon’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing and Co-founder, Maestro Digital Mine.

Can you introduce our readers to Maestro Digital Mine and the company’s evolution?

Maestro provides Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions to the global mining industry. Today, Maestro Digital Mine provides a complete mine ventilation and automation network backbone and rugged IIoT devices designed specifically for underground mines that deliver energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

We are based in a 150-year-old mining area known as the Sudbury Basin. We decided to shift the focus of our business to exports due to the technological gaps in the underground mining sector. We started creating digital solutions for ventilation monitoring and controlling for the underground mining sector. The ventilation solutions improve the underground work environment while still providing the mining companies a solution to increase production, conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gases. As mines go deeper, temperatures rise and require more energy to adequately ventilate, which then becomes a greater financial factor. We quickly realized that our customers faced significant challenges to obtain real time data at the face in terms of simplicity, cost and the ability to advance the network using any tradesperson or development miner.

Will the growth in the renewable energies sector result in less need for ventilation?

We do not believe this will happen because a mine still needs to be cooled and ventilated. The amount of ventilation required could reduce in real terms, especially if it is a shallow mine. If it is a deep mine, environmental conditions need to be controlled to ensure the safety and comfort of underground employees. The advent of our ventilation equipment has assisted mines in reaching depths that, 20 years ago, were not financially viable to access.

What is the Plexus PowerNet and how did the idea come about?

Currently, our flagship product the Vigilante AQS™ is a complete air quality monitoring system that accurately measures airflow rate, direction, wet and dry bulb temperature, gas concentration and dust particulate – enabling miners to return to the face sooner and safer. This product is compact, easy to install and easy to train people to use. Best of all, the system is 50-70% less expensive than alternate conventional options.

The Plexus PowerNet™ is our newest digital solution and quickly becoming a best seller. Collaborating with mining companies around the world to address the challenges that many of our customers encountered when connecting our ventilation solutions to their own networks, we identified a gap in the market. We aided in tackling the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions (broadband and fibre). The Plexus PowerNet™ system quickly extends communications using existing infrastructure to the working face. Plexus PowerNet™ delivers a high bandwidth, low latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Wireless Access Points (WAPs), cameras and any other IP based device. The system eliminates the need for costly outside fiber optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any internal tradesperson or development miner.

With factors such a blast concussion and damage due to mobile equipment movement, fiber optic cabling is at a major disadvantage. We designed a last-mile communication leg to extend the network from the level entry network switch to the face. The reach from the substation to the inner workings of the mine vary, but we haven’t seen anything further than 700 m. We now provide MHSA approved flexible stranded coaxial cable that provides gigabit data and power right to the face.

You do hardware and firmware design in house. Why have you chosen that model?

Many mine supply companies will purchase commercial-grade equipment and wrap it in a hard box. This frustrates the mining industry as commercial equipment is available relatively cheaply, but product design or software changes to these products are not possible. We have the ability to adopt new ideas from our mining customers and produce a product totally in-house. This allows us to come to market quickly and continue to make incremental changes to improve the product.

What are key features a mining company needs to take into consideration when selecting new technology?

Some rapidly expanding companies have installed technology that was not suited for underground requirements and very difficult to maintain and advance. We urge our mining clients to test their proof of concept for all current and future applications before deciding the best methodology. Some have succeeded, but we believe it is better to do a few levels to ensure that all the moving parts work correctly. Capital can then be raised once the technology has been tested and approved. Start small, prove the technology and then move quickly to a full mine wide solution.

Does Maestro Digital have any new products launching soon and what are the future objectives for the company?

When the Plexus was launched, it began with a change from a rigid cable to flexible coaxial cable and was completed within six months with one of our partners. Other changes were carried out from a security standpoint – servers are being hacked and mining companies are very cautious. Ensuring we were up to date with all security features was critical to us and our customers. Smaller companies tend to have less stringent software security requirements than the bigger companies such as Barrick, Goldcorp, BHP and Glencore. Thus, our engineering costs are very high as we progress past the original project requirements. We believe it is the correct way to do it, but it involves a massive investment in capital on our part.

We have four new products in the pipeline for this year. The Vigilante AQS – our best-selling air quality monitoring station – is going through a complete redesign. It will have on-board Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth and LTE wireless communication capabilities. Another product we just launched at SME conference in February 2019 is called EthernetI/O™ that provides both remote I/O functions as well as two full PID control loops over standard industrial Ethernet communication protocols. EthernetI/O™ helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive PLCs in the underground mine environment, saving both time and money. Maestro has successful deployed this solution in some of the largest global mining companies which include Rio Tinto, BHP, Vale and several small to medium sized mining operations.

What is the vision for Maestro Digital Mine?

Our vision is changing the way that underground mines communicate and to strip out complexity in automation jobs and make configuration flexible and easy.

Since its inception, Maestro has morphed into a technology company. Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers IoT and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. It works on concepts like how to apply IoT technology to systems, sensors and processes. The ultimate goal is to facilitate increased production rates and worker health and safety improvements while at the same time driving down equipment and installation costs. Current installations at over 120 mines globally aligns Maestro as a global leader in the IoT underground sector.

Read GBR’s interview with Michael Gribbon’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing and Co-founder, Maestro Digital Mine on their website here.


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Maestro Digital Mine and Newmont Goldcorp Joint Case Study Presentation at CIM Convention

CIM Innovation Stage Presentation Invite


Présentation CIM scène de l’innovation, en français, ici.


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Invitation to a Digital Solution Launch at CIM

Invitation to a product launch at CIM Convention


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Maestro Launches Zephyr AQS - New Digital IIoT Mine Ventilation Solution at CIM convention

Zephyr launch


DIGITAL IoT: Maestro launches Zephyr AQS air monitor
Canadian Mining Journal

'Sudbury’s Maestro Digital Mine launched  its latest digital IIoT solution, the Zephyr AQS at the recent CIM convention and trade show. The Zephyr AQS is a compact, low cost environmental air quality monitoring station for underground mines. The Zephyr AQS is an IIoT device that connects directly to an industrial network without the requirement of adding an expensive and complex programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and several analog based instruments. Since it is a digital device, not only are the real time environmental conditions reported back to surface via a single ethernet connection, but all the advanced diagnostic data is available, too, assuring maximum uptime.' Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mines’ Zephyr AQS leaves its mark at CIM convention
International Mining

'Maestro Digital Mine has used the backdrop of the CIM Convention and Exhibition, in Montreal, Quebec, to launch its latest digital industrial internet of things (IIoT) solution, the Zephyr AQS™. Maestro’s Zephyr AQS is a compact, low cost environmental air quality monitoring station for underground mines. It is an IIoT device that connects directly to an industrial network without the requirement of adding an expensive and complex programmable logic controller (PLCs) and several analogue-based instruments, the company said. “Since it is a digital device, not only are the real time environmental conditions reported back to surface via a single ethernet connection, but all the advanced diagnostic data is available too, assuring maximum uptime,” Maestro said.' Read more here.


Maestro Launches New Digital IIoT Mine Ventilation Solution at CIM

'Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on April 29, 2019 at the CIM Convention and Exhibition, booth 408, Maestro Digital Mine launched its latest digital IIoT solution, the Zephyr AQS™. Maestro’s Zephyr AQS™ is a compact, low cost environmental air quality monitoring station for underground mines. The Zephyr AQS™ is an IIoT device that connects directly to an industrial network without the requirement of adding an expensive and complex programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and several analog based instruments. Since it is a digital device, not only are the real time environmental conditions reported back to surface via a single ethernet connection, but all the advanced diagnostic data is available too assuring maximum uptime. Read more here.


Maestro pleased with response to Zephyr AQS™
Mining Magazine

'Maestro Digital Mine spoke exclusively to Mining Magazine about the launch of the Zephyr AQS at CIM 2019.. Read more here.


New mine-ventilation monitoring device created by Maestro
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

‘Sudbury based Maestro Digital Mine launched a new digital IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) solution for mining ventilation at the annual CIM convention held in Montreal in April.
The new device, the the Zephyr AQS™, is described as a compact, low cost environmental air quality monitoring station for underground mines, said a company news release.’ Read more here.


Maestro Launches New Digital IIoT Mine Ventilation Solution
MSTACanada - Mining Suppliers Trade Association

‘Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on April 29, 2019 at the CIM Convention and Exhibition, booth 408, Maestro Digital Mine launched its latest digital IIoT solution, the Zephyr AQS™. Maestro’s Zephyr AQS™ is a compact, low cost environmental air quality monitoring station for underground mines. The Zephyr AQS™ is an IIoT device that connects directly to an industrial network without the requirement of adding an expensive and complex programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and several analog based instruments. Since it is a digital device, not only are the real time environmental conditions reported back to surface via a single ethernet connection, but all the advanced diagnostic data is available too assuring maximum uptime.’ Read more here.



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Maestro’s own Shannon Katary wins National Mining Award at CIM convention

CIM Award Announcement

Sudbury is known for mining excellence and over the years several Sudburians and Sudbury based operating mines and service and supply companies have been recognized for their achievements through the CIM National Awards. CIM 2019 convention would continue this tradition as Sudbury leaders brought home the hardware once again!

This year, at the CIM-Caterpillar Celebration of Excellence, on Monday, April 29, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Shannon Katary, Director of Marketing and Communications, Maestro Digital Mine, received the CIM-Bedford Canadian Young Mining Leaders Award, for exceptional achievement and potential of young Canadian mining leaders.

Shannon and company

The CIM–Bedford Canadian Young Mining Leaders Awards encourages and accelerates the development of leadership in Canadian mining by recognizing outstanding achievement and potential of young Canadian mining leaders. It recognizes workers 39 years of age or under for exceptional achievement, as well as their potential for future leadership in various sectors of mining, including: corporate performance, operations, finance, technical services and innovation, marketing and trading, as well as services and support functions.

Shannon Katary is the Director of Marketing and Communications for Maestro Digital Mine. She is responsible for the creation and implementation of the marketing and communications strategy. As a senior member of the team, she manages and develops the strategic branding, technical writing (internal and external messaging), builds and strengths community and client relations, event coordination, photography, media and public relations for Maestro’s digital solutions. Previously, she held the position of Vice President of Marketing and Communications for CEMI – Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation and the Ultra Deep Mining Network (UDMN).

In her 13 years and counting in the mining industry, Katary has communicated, inspired and connected the world to the importance of mining. For Katary, accelerating the Canadian mining innovation advantage is a lifetime career and volunteer path where she gets to use her superpowers to communicate ideas into tangible commercially viable products and services for the global mining industry. She is at her core, a storyteller who bring the story to life!

She serves on a variety of volunteer organizations in her community such as Executive for MMTS - Modern Mining & Technology Sudbury, Executive for MECA Symposium and Dynamic Earth’s Go Deeper Committee. She is a keynote speaker at various mining events such as the Women in Mining Northern Ontario Chapter. Has served on the Board of the Walden Mountain Bike Club (6 years). In 2009, she received the Civic Award for Volunteerism from the City of Greater Sudbury. In 2013, Shannon was awarded the Top 40 Under 40 Sudbury by Northern Ontario Business.

Shannon shared the stage with Elenor Siebring, Director of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, Canada for Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC; Darren Nathan, General Foreman of Operations and Maintenance for Raglan Mine – Concentrator, A Glencore Company; and Dr. Agus Sasmito, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering at McGill University.

For a complete list of the 2019 CIM Awards winners visit:


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6514 Hits

Realtime data means more time at the face

Written by Shannon Katary, Director of Marketing and Communications, Maestro Digital Mine

As mines continue to go deeper underground and embrace new digital technologies, the primary goal is to ensure the safety of the underground miners.

Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers Internet of Things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication.

Maestro designs and manufactures products exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sector that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

Read more of the Canadian Mining article here.


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5665 Hits

Changing the Face of Mine Ventilation

Image of an MDM technician installing the Vigilante AQS underground

Advances in smart controls, sensors and IoT-enabled devices are providing new tools for miners tackling the ever-increasing challenge of ventilating their underground operations.

Ventilation systems are the largest consumers of power in underground mines, accounting for upward of 50% of energy use. Saving on energy costs and ensuring personnel receive clean air where and when they need it is now a business imperative for mine operators, who are employing a new generation of smart digital technologies to monitor and optimize ventilation systems and ensure a safe working environment.

While digital tools are relatively new to the mining industry, the key components of mine ventilation systems have not changed signifi cantly in the past 20-30 years, and their primary role remains unchanged: to remove build-up of harmful gases and contaminants from underground workings, and to provide and circulate a source of clean, breathable air to miners working deep underground.

Read more of the article in E&MJ here.


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3911 Hits

A breath of fresh air

Image of an MDM technician installing the Vigilante AQS underground with the Superbrite marquee in the background

Ventilation systems have become a lot more elaborate in the last few decades, providing monitoring, cooling and automated functions to allow for optimal clean air distribution.

As battery-electric vehicles and machine automation start to impact the underground environment, Dan Gleeson spoke to several of the major solution providers to find out how they are reacting to this evolution.

The need to go deeper in search of ore is causing mining companies to reconsider the use of innovative and digitallyenhanced technologies to look for profitable ways to develop new mining horizons. With increasing depth comes increasing complexity, whether that is water ingress, heat, or exposure to harmful gases. This makes having a robust, efficient and cost effective ventilation system integral.

The ability to electrify underground mining equipment on a large scale has helped alleviate some of the cost and energy pressure put on miners plunging deeper underground. For instance, the use of electric vehicles at Glencore’s Onaping Depth project, in Sudbury, Canada, which is set to reach 2,600 m below surface, is expected to reduce its energy usage by 44% for ventilation systems and by 30% for cooling equipment, compared with an equivalent diesel-fuelled operation.

Read more of the article in International Mining Magazine here (PDF).


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Enabling The Digital Mine

The concept of Enabling the Digital Mine is founded on the use of critical data to increase production, reduce costs and enhance worker safety.

Most often, underground mines choose fibre optic cable as the means to extend connectivity from each level out to the working areas. in addition, a separate cable run is required to power the wireless access points, cameras and other end-point devices.

Fibre presents several challenges to the underground mining industry; for instance, terminating fibre underground is difficult, time-consuming and requires expensive specialized training, which is frequently the biggest contributing factor limiting the advance of connectivity. These types of delays inhibit the agility and pace needed to enable the digital mine and bring communications to the mine face.

Identifying the mining industry’s rising demand for real time data, Maestro Digital Mine works with mining companies around the world, such as Newmont Goldcorp. to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions (broadband and fibre).

Read more of the article in Global Mining Review here (PDF).



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Looking to an LTE future

LTE private networks are booming in mining now both surface and underground, driven by the greater demands of multiple applications and the speed of automation implementation meaning WiFi cannot always deliver, reports Paul Moore.

On 66 page: Maestro Plexus at Borden

Identifying the mining industry’s rising demand for real-time data, Maestro Digital Mine works with mining companies around the world, such as Newmont Goldcorp, to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions (broadband and fibre).Newmont Goldcorp’s Borden Mine became one of the first mines to integrate Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™, which it says addresses the challenges associated with extending fibre optic-based communication backbone solutions for “last mile” data applications. Newmont Goldcorp’s Borden Mine is located in Northern Canada, 11 km northeast of Chapleau, Ontario.

Read more of the article in International Mining Magazine here (PDF).

Please follow this link to the latest issue


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4406 Hits

Maestro rolls up its sleeves to facilitate the digital mine

Enabling the mine of the future

Maestro Digital Mines cofounder and vice-president of marketing and sales Michael Gribbons isn’t above playing barista at the espresso station at the company’s Lively, Ont., office during a visit by CMJ.

In fact, Gribbons not only makes a mean latte, but he also grabs a mop and bucket to clean up a spill made by a colleague in the kitchen.

His attitude seems to sum up nicely the way things work at Maestro, a fast-growing, roll-up-your-sleeves type of company.

With products now in over 125 mines around the world since the company’s inception in 2011, Maestro runs lean, with fewer than 25 employees.

Maestro’s initial offering in the underground mining space was its Vigilante AQS air monitoring solution. Now, its product range includes real-time air quality monitoring, fan and dust monitoring equipment, and also extends into communications solutions that are essential to the digitalization of underground mining.

Read more of the article in Canadian Mining Journal Magzine here.


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4449 Hits

Fortin Discovery Lab – An Innovative Talent Development Think Tank

Jahanzeb Sohail, an electrical engineer with Maestro Digital Lab, carefully monitors EMC testing of a product in the final stages of development.

The Fortin Discovery Lab, which opened November 5, 2014, is the brainchild of Tom Fortin, founder of Ontrak Control Systems.

Located in the NORCAT Innovation Mill in Sudbury, the goal of the centre is to develop entrepreneurial talent. Thanks to a FedNor contribution of $400,000, the lab features 3-D printers, as well as equipment for computer numerical controlled mold making, laser micromachining and electromagnetic compatibility certification. With its state-of-the-art tools, the Discovery Lab helps engineers and technologists transform concepts into certified products ready for export anywhere in the world.

Frustrated that so many products are being manufactured overseas, Fortin created the lab to help people acquire the skills needed to create a strong, innovative manufacturing sector here in Northern Ontario. In addition, by helping people design and produce their own products, it supports regional job and wealth creation.

Read more of the article in the Fednor section of the Government of Canada website here.


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3128 Hits

Striving to understand the mining workforce of the future

Image of panelists

Sudbury mining panelists discuss how to recruit, retain employees in the digital age.

It is going to take imagination, better communications and some good listening skills for the mining industry to attract and retain enough workers skilled in data-driven and digital technology.

Those were some of the comments during a recent panel discussion held in Sudbury at the annual general meeting of SAMSSA (Sudbury Area Mining Supply and Service Association).

SAMSSA Panel Overview

“Were as”… Collaboration is vital to advancing the Mining Industry,  is often one of the most challenging to accomplish and can be riddled with barriers to success. “Be it resolved” to better understand, what does it take to overcome these challenges and what actions, processes and people can break through the complexities of collaborating with others? We are going to dive into tangible technology solutions use cases, lessons learned, and takeaways from the very people and groups working to bridge the collaboration gap, thus putting mining on the leading edge of technology and innovation.

Photo taken by Len Gillis.

From Left to right: Roy Slack, President of the CIM Association; Shayne Wisniewski, General Manager of Mining Projects, Glencore’s Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations; Michael Gribbons, Co-Founder and VP of Sales and Marketing, Maestro Digital Mine; Lynn Iturregui, Project Management – Mining, Hatch; and moderated by Shannon Katary, Maestro Digital Mine.

Read more of the article in the Northern Ontario Business website here.




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Enabling ventilation monitoring to provide real-time data means and safer conditions

The Vigilante AQS™ and the Zephyr AQS™ are both used to monitor the environmental conditions underground.

The Vigilante AQS™ Air Quality Station provides the ultimate system with up to eight different real-time sensors, advanced diagnostics and control functions. The Zephyr AQS™ Air Quality Station is a lower cost system that uses the same reliable sensors and advanced diagnostics but with only three different real-time sensors on-board.  It was determined that the Zephyr AQS™ will handle approximately 75% of our current applications at a lower cost. Both systems plug directly into a network switch thereby eliminating the requirement of expensive and complex PLCs (programmable logic controllers).  By doing so, this eliminates upwards to 50-80% of the CAPEX requirements.

Maestro continues to develop products that are fully open and agnostic using industry standard communication protocols like Modbus TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP.

Read More on this Maestro article on page 128-129 of the PotashWorks 2020 Publication. 

Click here for PDF version of article.


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2844 Hits

Save the Date: Invitation to an Industry-led Panel Discussion hosted by Maestro Digital Mines at PDAC

Image of the Save the Date poster

Maestro Digital Mine is hosting an Industry-led Panel Discussion on:

Communication Infrastructure: Building the Digital Highway to Connectivity Underground

Monday, March 2 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

PDAC Conference, Northern Ontario Mining Showcase Pavilion #6501N, North Building, MTCC, Toronto, ON

Join Panelists from mining companies – Newmont, Trevali, Yamana Gold and Vale – leading the Digital Transformation to discuss and debate underground communications infrastructure (LTE, Wi-Fi, leaky feeder and fiber-optic networks). (Stay tuned for more information on our panelists.)

This panel will be moderated by the host of TVO’s The Agenda, Steve Paikin.

The panelists are:

  • Matthew Curtis, Senior Technology Manager, Newmont
  • Derek du Preez, Chief Technology Officer, Trevali
  • Chris Burgess, Director Innovation & Transformation, Yamana Gold
  • Anthony Downs, Digital Leader, Vale

Discuss the applications that are driving the need for connectivity to improve production, reduce costs and enable worker safety. Determine what technology solutions are best suited for what specific challenge underground. Bridging the gap between OT and IT to better integrate technology in operating mines. Break through the unknowns about connectivity underground.

Arrive early, seating is limited. All are welcome.

Visit the Maestro booth in the NOMS pavilion Booth 75 to learn about our Plexus PowerNet - last mile communications network solution that helps to enable the digital mine.




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3142 Hits

Interview with Michael Gribbons for the Global Business Report – Mining in Ontario 2020

Image of Mike Gribbons

Michael Gribbons
Co-Founder and Vice President – Sales & Marketing, Maestro Digital Mine


What have been the important milestones achieved by Maestro Digital Mine (MDM) in 2019?

The Zephyr AQSTM Air Quality Station, a new product launched at the CIM Convention in Montreal 2019, has been a huge success. The Zephyr AQS™ is a low-cost air quality monitoring station for underground mines that now completes internally with the gold standard – Vigilante AQS™ air quality station. We looked at our existing Vigilante AQS™ market data to find out who are users were and what they were currently buying. With that information, we designed a product to fit a profile that matched 75% of our current buyers. The flaw of many technology companies is to hang on to a product too long and fail to innovate. At the moment, we do not have any serious competition but we know it is a matter of time before we do. With that in mind, we decided to be our own competitor and Zephyr AQS™ is part of that ambition. Initially we thought the product would do well in our Latin American and African markets, but it has done well everywhere including USA and Canada.

We now supply technology solutions to over 130 mines world-wide. An important development in 2019 was entering the Argentinian market through partnerships with Newmont Gold and Yamana Gold. Maestro works with companies that want to revolutionize the way mines operate; our communication networks and visualization equipment play a pivotal role.

Read More on this interview at Global Business Report.


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3534 Hits

No need to apologize. We’re a mining town.

Cover of 2020 Sudbury Vision for the Future

Future success will come from cleaner, safer technologies.

Sudbury doesn’t like to think of itself as a mining town. It brings up images of deserted wastelands. Sudbury has spent half a century fighting this impression. But the raison d'être of Sudbury fundamentally remains mining. Think mining in a much broader sense than just Glencore and Vale, stacks, headframes, ore trucks and slag.

Oh, there is no denying significant employment and value in other sectors – government, education, health care, manufacturing and construction – across the Sudbury economy, but subtract mining, and…well, do the math.

Read More on this article written by Hugh Kruzel for 2020 Sudbury - Vision for the Future publication HERE

View PDF of the article HERE.



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2605 Hits

SME Annual Conference and Expo 2020

February 23-26, 2020
Phoenix Convention Centre, Phoenix, Arizona 

For more details, click HERE.

Visit the Maestro Digital Mine Booth #1806 and meet the team:
Michael Gribbons, Jacob Lachapelle and Cindy Chesney to learn more about how Maestro is delivering digital solutions to the mining industry.

Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Maestro designs and manufactures products exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sector that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards


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2889 Hits

Vigilante AQS™ - Enabling underground mine air quality monitoring station

Improved air quality means more time at the face

As mines continue to go deeper underground and embrace new digital technologies, the primary goal is to ensure the safety of the underground miners. Maestro Digital Mine manufacturers Internet of Things (IoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Maestro designs and manufactures products exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sector that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards..

Read More on this Maestro article on the Mining Magazine website. 


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2645 Hits

In full flow

In Full Flow main image

Ailbhe Goodbody speaks to Maestro Digital Mine’s Michael Gribbons about the latest trends in mine ventilation and how the company is going from strength to strength

It has several large projects in the execution phase at mines belonging to various mining companies, including Vale, Glencore, Barrick Gold, Newmont and many other mid-tier mining companies.

The company has had several product launches in the past year. Its EthernetI/O, which made its debut at the SME conference and expo in Denver, US, in February 2019, is a digital solution that helps to reduce or eliminate the use of complex and expensive programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in the underground mine environment.

Read More on this Maestro article in Mining Magazine March 2020 Issue (PDF). 


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2948 Hits

Mining in Ontario and Toronto’s Global Reach 2020

Cover of Mining in Ontario and Toronto’s Global Reach 2020

The complete publication of Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2020 is now on line for viewing.

Read Mike Gribbons comments on page 104 regarding what is at the top of mining companies agenda and his interview with Global Business Reports on page 109.

View PDF on the Global Business Reports website HERE.



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2719 Hits

Maestro is expanding to Latin America

Maestro is expanding to Latin America

By Shannon Katary
March 1, 2020 Issue of the Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

As Maestro Digital Mine continues to expand into global mining markets, it is important to understand the market; partner with associations that assist with market research and B2B meetings (such as SAMSSA, Northern Ontario Export Program led by the GSDC and MSTA); and then align the right team to support the distribution chain. 

Maestro is well on its way to bringing Canadian built and designed digital solutions to the Latin American marketplace in 2020 and beyond. Maestro Digital Mine is a manufacturer of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and digital networks for the last mile of communication. Their products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, technology (IT) and ventilation sectors.

To date, Maestro has successful launched their products in over 130 mines, in over 20 countries around the world. This Sudbury based company prides itself on their brand promise, “we leave no one stranded” which is proving to serve them well as they grow into new markets and strengthen existing customer relations. Their leadership team will not go ahead with a new development project unless they can offer a 50% CAPEX reduction over the current methodology and/or reduce the integration time by 50%. This is a big hurdle to climb in their evaluation of new products but assures the team that they will have winners if executed properly. Flagship solutions such as the Vigilante AQS™ and Zephyr AQS™ – air quality monitoring stations and the Plexus PowerNet™ are product lines developed, in partnership with the mines, addressing the industries current “bottlenecks” or challenges.

In 2019, Maestro started the process to develop distribution partners in Latin America. Cindy Chesney, Director, Global Partnership at Maestro and leading the Sales in Latin America, highlighted that, “This is the ideal geographical location to expand in this open market with many opportunities to bring digital transformation to the mines to increase safety and productivity rates with simple, enabling solutions that can be maintained by the people at the mines.” Maestro has established four new distributors/agents located in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico.

Chesney remarks, “The high value of Trade Missions, such as the recent, SAMSSA Trade mission to Chile (January 2020), aids in minimizing the risk in exploring new markets, thus creating a competitive advantage for Canadian suppliers. They provide valuable market insight by being present and in front of potential clients and mines, with a hands on view of the market potential and challenges. The networking and face to face meetings gives suppliers the “boots on the street” needed to find the right distribution partners and operating mines. Our Distribution channels are vital to our success in this area and as part of the Maestro Sales team, provide valuable feedback, access and service to potential clients in Latin America.”

Most recently, Maestro successfully landed sales in Mexico, and Argentina. In Argentina, Yamana Gold’s Cerro Morro Mine is installing the Plexus PowerNet™, As well as with Newmont GoldCorp’s Cerro Negro mine for Plexus PowerNet™ – last mile communication solution. “With the support of our distribution partners, we are proud to be enabling worker safety and productivity in the mines of Latin America. It is through a collaborative model that Canadian Suppliers can impact positive change in the global mining industry”, states Co-Founder of Maestro, Michael Gribbons.

Read More on this article in Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal Magazine March 1, 2020 Issue. 

PDF version


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3625 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine makes connections in Latin America

Maestro is expanding to Latin America

Posted by Daniel Gleeson
3rd April 2020
IM Mining Publication

Maestro Digital Mine’s Latin America expansion is gaining traction, with the Sudbury-based company recently landing sales from major gold mines in Argentina.

Its flagship Industrial Internet of Things measurement and control instrumentation solutions, such as the Vigilante AQS™ and Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations, and the Plexus PowerNet™ last mile communication platform, are designed to provide the visibility and communication miners require to keep up productivity and improve safety while operating at increasing depths.

Having successful launched these products in over 130 mines, in more than 20 countries around the world, Maestro started its strategic outreach and market research in Latin America last year.

Maestro’s says its distribution channels are vital to its success in this area and, as part of the Maestro sales team, provide valuable feedback, access and service to potential clients in Latin America.

Read More on this article in IM Mining Publication April 3, 2020 Issue. 


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3593 Hits

Maestro Hosted 2nd Industry-led Digital Mining Panel at PDAC 2020

Close up of host Steve Paikin and panelists

Maestro Digital Mine hosted an Industry-led Panel Discussion on Communication Infrastructure: Building the Digital Highway to Connectivity Underground to a packed house (over 250ppl) on Monday, March 2nd, 2020 at the PDAC Conference, in the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase (NOMS) Pavilion in Toronto, Ontario.

Panelists: Anthony Downs, Digital Leader, Vale; Matthew Curtis, Senior Technology Manager, Newmont; Chris Burgess, Director Innovation & Transformation, Yamana Gold; and Derek du Preez, Chief Technology Officer, Trevali. This panel was moderated by the legendary and host of TVO’s The Agenda, Steve Paikin.

Group photo of MDM Panelists and organizers
Panelists from mining companies leading the Digital Transformation discussed and debated underground communications infrastructure (LTE, Wi-Fi, leaky feeder and fiber-optic networks). Discussed the applications that are driving the need for connectivity to improve production, reduce costs and enable worker safety. Determined what technology solutions are best suited for what specific challenge underground. Bridging the gap between OT and IT to better integrate technology in operating mines. Break through the unknowns about connectivity underground. 

Photo of audience

What does Industry 4.0 look like to the mining industry in action? Digital transformation enables disruptive mining innovations, connecting mine wide systems, helping to unlock value and drive better safety and production outcomes!  Maestro Digital Mine brought together global mining leaders who are enabling digital technologies into operating mines. The Panel discussed valuable insights, successful integration examples, lessons learned and best practices & processes on how to improve safety, efficiency and productivity through integrating digital technologies into mine operations. Ultimately, discussing the future for advancing the digital mine!

To Learn more about Maestro Digital Mine and our last mile communication solution – Plexus PowerNet™, click here.

Video of Panel Session


Panel 2020 Invite and Panelists Poster


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3564 Hits

SUPPLIERS: How Maestro is navigating through the COVID crisis

Group photo of MDM Panelists and organizers

When the COVID-19 crisis started to ramp up globally in March, Michael Gribbons, cofounder of Lively, Ont.-based Maestro Digital Mine, spent hours each day trying to learn as much as possible about the novel coronavirus and get a sense of its big picture implications.

“The safety of the miners both nationally and globally is of utter critical importance to us, it’s really our key purpose,” said Gribbons, who’s also the company’s vice-president of marketing and sales. “So we have to remain open, there’s no other way.”

Maestro makes environmental sensors, as well as easy-to-install hardware that allows digital communications at the mine face. Its products are aimed at improving both safety and productivity in underground mines. As an Ontario-based supplier to the mining sector, the company operates as an essential service and has been exempted from province-mandated closures of non-essential businesses that started Mar. 24.

At the start of the crisis, the company put a leadership team and plan in place to ensure that first, the team and their family members stayed healthy, and second, the company remained financially healthy. (With David Ballantyne, Maestro’s cofounder and vice-president of development and technology, having a spouse and two daughters working in the health care system, the fight against COVID-19 is personal.) 

Read More on this article on the Canadian Mining Journal website (April 20, 2020).  

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Will the pandemic drive digital adoption?

Importance of digital technology in mining in light of COVID-19.

Every business that has been able to remain open through the COVID-19 pandemic has had to find new ways of working. For many of us, that’s meant working through technical challenges of remote access while also finding a way to manage family demands such as child care and/or home schooling.

Remote work isn’t an option for most mine operations staff.

Mining companies are used to adjusting on the fly to industry shocks – they have plans to deal with changes in commodity prices, sudden policy changes, and political crises in jurisdictions where they are active. But the pandemic has thrown the industry some curveballs. One of the things that miners hadn’t considered in their crisis management plans is the challenge of physical distancing at operations.

Guided by advice from health authorities, the industry has collaborated widely to come up with best practices to protect their employees and the communities in which they work, including the use of PPE where physical distancing isn’t possible. (see page 32).

In the absence of a vaccine, testing will also become an important tool, as underlined by an outbreak at Fortuna Silver Mines’ Caylloma mine in Peru in late April. The company reported six workers – all asympomatic – had tested positive for the virus. Meanwhile Barrick Gold has invested in 800,000 antibody tests, secured from multiple vendors, and Agnico Eagle Mines has started a pilot project for a virus test that can produce quick results to screen workers at its Nunavut operations.

Read More on this article in Canadian Mining Journal May 2020 Issue.






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Maestro Digital Mine COVID-19 Policy Plan

At Maestro Digital Mine, we continue doing business so that we can provide quality service and support to our clients and community members through these unprecedented times.

Our team will continue to provide full support and service to our customers, partners, suppliers and distributors.

Please review our Covid-19 Protocols for Maestro Digital Mine (PDF)

images of Mining Sector Enhanced Safety Measures in inforgraphic form


Maestro Digital Mine deemed an essential service to the mining resource sector and remains focused on the health and safety of our employees.

Maestro continues to provide support to the underground mining sector, keeping miners safe with gas sensors and airflow sensors.

Our team is staying well informed and complying on all recommendations from the Canadian government and health agencies such as the CDC and WHO.

At Maestro Digital Mine, we leave no one stranded.

For customer support services email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dial +1 (705) 805-6918.


Ongoing coverage and updates from by Daniel Gleeson at the International Mining Magazine.

Quebec miners shut down operations following COVID-19 government order...

Maestro Digital Mine one of the recent Ontario-based suppliers to confirm it was “deemed an essential service”. It said it would continue to provide support to the underground mining sector, “keeping miners safe with gas sensors and airflow sensors” during this time.

Read More on this article in International Mining Magazine March 2020 Issue.


As businesses start to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, we felt it important to communicate with our valued clients, contacts and friends during this time.

We will continue doing business so that we can support one another and help clients and community members through these unprecedented times.

Maestro Digital Mine is focused on the health and safety of our employees. In order to protect the health and well being of our staff, their families, and our community at large and to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we have provided staff the tools and resources to work remotely. Employees doing essential work at the office and at client sites are following site protocols and to reduce exposure by avoiding unnecessary contact and working from home when possible.

We remain open, with multiple lines of communication activated to ensure business as usual continuity. Our team will continue to provide full support and service to our customers, partners, suppliers and distributors.

  • We will remain available for phone calls, emails and online chats and video conferencing as required from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST, Monday to Friday.
  • Our emergency service will remain available 24/7, always using recommended practices to limit the spread of the virus and following client site protocols.
  • We have taken measures to secure and stock our supply of electronic sub-components for a complete year’s worth of manufacturing, so that we will be able to fully support and deliver in both the short and long term.

Maestro is committed to following the advice and guidelines of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) and continue to monitor this developing situation. We encourage you to follow the advice of your public health agency and practice social distancing; to learn more about COVID-19 and how to protect yourself, visit the World Health Organization:

On behalf of our entire team, we thank you for your confidence and as a partner of your company we wish you health and well-being for all and a rapid return to normal.

If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Michael Gribbons and David Ballantyne
Maestro Digital Mine

View PDF version 



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Controlling the Flow

Group photo of MDM Panelists and organizers

Maestro’s market ambitions are far greater than the mine ventilation space, as Gribbons points out. He told IM: “While we started in the ventilation field, our domain expertise remains in the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and digital networking space.”


Image of Control the Flow heading and mineDespite this, Maestro has gained a reputation for providing ventilation control and environmental monitoring solutions that are ready to cope with the diversities of today’s and tomorrow’s underground mines.

This is backed up by the fact its Vigilante AQS™ (air quality station), which was introduced less than eight years ago, is in use at over 135 operations in 27 countries. Last year, it increased that market penetration with the introduction of its Zephyr AQS™ product.

Both are compact, environmental AQSs for underground mines, but Vigilante is seen as a holistic solution that can solve 100% of the applications for mine ventilation monitoring and control. Zephyr, meanwhile, is designed for 75% of the applications – such as airflow rate, airflow direction, gas levels, barometric pressure, and wet/dry bulb temperatures. 

Read More on this article from the International Mining publication (PDF).  


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Ventilation monitoring, the way to safer worker conditions


Built with IIoT functionality, the digital sensors come with a complete suite of diagnostics that helps determine the health of the complete system, providing maximum system uptime.

The Vigilante AQS™ and the Zephyr AQS™ are both used to monitor the environmental conditions underground. The Vigilante AQS™ provides an optimum system with up to eight different real-time sensors, advanced diagnostics and control functions. The Zephyr AQS™ Station is a lower cost system that uses the same reliable sensors and advanced diagnostics but with only three different real-time sensors on-board. The Zephyr AQS™ will handle approximately 75% of the current applications at a lower cost. Both systems plug directly into a network switch, thus eliminating the requirement of expensive and complex programmable logic controllers. Mines then get to eliminate up to 50-80% of the CAPEX requirements. Maestro continues to develop products that are fully open and agnostic using industry standard communication protocols such as Modbus TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP.

Maestro has developed ventilation solutions that reduce downtime and enable miners to return to the face faster and safer.

Read the complete article of the 138th edition of Horizonte Minero (PDF).


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3339 Hits

Always On: Mining Networks and Connectivity

Mining network technology is moving fast, now with a lot of private LTE interest and with 5G waiting in the wings, while WiFi solutions including mesh still remain dominant. Paul Moore, International Mining Magazine’s feature on Mining Networks & Connectivity, looks at technologies, projects and applications. 


Click to read about Maestro Network Solution


Maestro advances Plexus PowerNet 

Maestro Digital Mine says it continues to work with global underground mines to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions resulting in their Plexus PowerNet™ – last mile communications solution; a Gigabit network providing both power and data using flexible coaxial cable.

Maestro designed a communication network that simplified the installation, extension, and maintenance, while enabling high bandwidth, low latency, low jitter data and endpoint power using tried-and-true coaxial copper cable. The termination process now becomes easy and cost effective, utilising basic tools. A termination can be completed by any tradesperson in less than 5 minutes. 

Michael Gribbons, CEO and Co-Founder told IM: “By applying this enabling backbone technology to an existing fibre network, the entire mine infrastructure can have a new life. In a mine, fibre has its place but needs to be well protected from the high traffic areas where LHDs and trucks can damage the cable. The Plexus PowerNet™ is typically added to either the existing fibre patch panel or network switch located on the level entry. The durable coaxial cable is the most effective at providing data to the face of the mine. The Plexus PowerNet™ simplifies the advancement and repair of the network. When the communication cable is damaged by the either the mobile fleet or fly rock, a simple splice repair can get the network up and running saving precious production time. Having both power and data on single coaxial cable reduces advancement time as well as multiple trades reducing both CAPEX and OPEX. Bringing data to the surface allows short interval control that improves both production rates and miner safety.”

Click the link to read more on Plexus.


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MacLean Engineering and Maestro Digital Mine bring underground connectivity to the MacLean Research and Demonstration Facility

Maestro and Maclean connectivity Plexus

Press Release

Sudbury, ON. Canada - September 15, 2020 MacLean Engineering continues to advance its innovative Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. MacLean, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet™ - a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.

The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility consists of a 300m (1,000 foot) decline (at an average grade of 15%) that branches into multiple headings and testing areas. The facility comes with additional shop and office space providing MacLean engineers and operator trainers the ideal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.

Maestro Digital Mine works with mining companies around the world to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions (broadband and fiber). MacLean identified the value and benefits of Maestro’s backbone network solution and worked with the team at Maestro to install the system. The Plexus PowerNet™ quickly and simply extends the mines existing communications network to the face.

“Collaboration up and down the supply chain is critical to making innovation happen in the underground mining sector at home and around the globe,” notes Stuart Lister, MacLean’s VP Marketing and Communications. “We’re delighted to work with another company in Greater Sudbury’s mining ecosystem, Maestro Digital Mine, to get their top-of-the-line digital infrastructure installed at our Research and Demonstration Facility where it will be backbone of our automation product development.”

Plexus PowerNet™ delivers a high speed, low latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Access Points (APs), cameras and other IP based devices. The system eliminates the need for costly outside fiber optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any internal tradesperson or development miner. The Plexus PowerNet™ can be used in mines with or without a fiber optic network. It supports existing underground mine infrastructure and provide network connectivity to new IIoT devices and automation technologies for Digital Mines, such as the MacLean R&D Facility.

Plexus provides a robust, simple to deploy, one cable solution for network connectivity. Plexus makes installation simple, using a single coaxial cable that carries both power and network connectivity. This eliminates the need to run both fiber and power to new network devices. The EZ Advance Nodes provide an easy way to terminate, troubleshoot and deploy industry standard IP devices from the Plexus PowerNet™ embedded network switch. The Plexus has been designed for the quickest “last mile” of communication.

Michael Gribbons, Co-founder and CEO, Maestro Digital Mine, remarked that, “Our vision for the Plexus is to change the way that underground mines communicate and to strip out complexity in automation jobs and make configuration flexible and easy. We strive to make the complex, simple. Working with MacLean Engineering, the Plexus accelerates their time to connectivity and enables MacLean to bring in other new and innovative digital technologies and automation equipment for testing and demonstration at their Centre. We are honoured to be part of the MacLean R&D Facility. This underground R&D lab continues to build upon the strength and wealth of mining knowledge and expertise in Greater Sudbury and Northern Ontario.”

To learn more about the Plexus PowerNet™ visit:

About MacLean Engineering:

MacLean Engineering designs, manufactures, markets, and supports engineered solutions across the mining, municipal, environmental, and industrial goods sectors. The company’s mining division builds a comprehensive line of mobile equipment for full-range mining cycle support across all underground mining methods in ground support, ore flow, and utility vehicle product categories. Founded in 1973, MacLean is based in the southern Georgian Bay region of Ontario, with branch offices across Canada as well as in the US, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, and Australia, providing service and support to a global client base.

About Maestro Digital Mine:

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Our products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sectors that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

MacLean Engineering Contact:
Stuart Lister
VP Marketing & Communications
C: (705) 241-3247

Maestro Digital Mine Contact:
Shannon Katary
Director of Marketing and Communications
C: (705) 521-2261

Read the complete press release here (PDF).

View press release on MacLean Engineering website.

View French version of press release on MacLean Engineering website.


Media Coverage: 


MacLean Engineering and Maestro Digital Mine bring underground connectivity to the MacLean Research and Demonstration Facility
MSTACanada - Mining Suppliers Trade Association

MacLean Engineering continues to advance its innovative Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. MacLean, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet™ - a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.
The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility consists of a 300m (1,000 foot) decline (at an average grade of 15%) that branches into multiple headings and testing areas. The facility comes with additional shop and office space providing MacLean engineers and operator trainers the ideal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.  Read more here.


MacLean and Maestro bring underground connectivity to MacLean R&D facility
Canadian Mining Journal

MacLean Engineering continues to advance its Research and Demonstration (R&D) facility in Sudbury, where, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, the company recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet gigabit network, which provides both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine for underground connectivity.
The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility includes a 300-metre (1,000 ft.) decline (at an average grade of 15%), branching into multiple headings and test areas. The facility includes additional shop and office space to provide MacLean’s engineers and operator trainers with an optimal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.  Read more here.


MacLean Engineering and Maestro Digital Mine bring underground connectivity to the MacLean Research and Demonstration Facility
Creamer Media’s Engineering News

MacLean Engineering continues to advance its innovative Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. MacLean, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet™ - a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.
The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility consists of a 300m (1,000 foot) decline (at an average grade of 15%) that branches into multiple headings and testing areas. The facility comes with additional shop and office space providing MacLean engineers and operator trainers the ideal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.  Read more here.


MacLean Engineering & Maestro Digital Mine Network Demonstration Facility

MacLean Engineering continues to advance its innovative Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury in Ontario in Canada. MacLean, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet, a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground. The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility consists of a 300m decline (at an average grade of 15%) that branches into multiple headings and testing areas. The facility comes with additional shop and office space providing MacLean engineers and operator trainers the ideal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.  Read more here.


Bringing underground connectivity to the MacLean R&D facility
GeoDrilling International

MacLean Engineering is continuing to advance its innovative research and demonstration facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, it recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet - a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.  Read more here.


MacLean Puts Plexus PowerNet in Test Mine
E&MJ Engineering and Mining Journal

MacLean Engineering contracted Maestro Digital Mine for Plexus PowerNet at its test mine in Sudbury, Canada. Plexus PowerNet, a gigabit network providing data and power over coaxial cable, offers high-speed, low-latency digital communication connectivity to access points, cameras and other devices. Easily installed, MacLean said the Plexus PowerNet can be used in mines with or without a fiber optic network, and supports existing underground mine infrastructure.
MacLean said Plexus PowerNet was selected because of its capability to quickly and easily extend the mine’s existing communications network to the face. “We’re delighted to work with another company in Sudbury’s mining ecosystem to get their top-of-the-line digital infrastructure installed at our Research and Demonstration Facility where it will be the backbone of our automation product development,” said Stuart Lister, vice president, marketing and communications, MacLean.  Read more here.


Underground connectivity arrives at MacLean Engineering’s R&D facility
Equipment Journal

MacLean Engineering, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, has integrated the Plexus PowerNet network into its Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury, Ontario.
Plexus PowerNet is a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.   Read more here.


MacLean Engineering and Maestro Digital Mine bring underground connectivity to the MacLean Research and Demonstration Facility
Mine Connect

Sudbury, ON. Canada – September 15, 2020 MacLean Engineering continues to advance its innovative Research and Demonstration Facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. MacLean, in collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine, recently integrated the Plexus PowerNet™ – a gigabit network providing both data and power using coaxial cable throughout the mine to enable connectivity underground.
The MacLean mobile equipment R&D lab allows the company to develop and test new mining technologies completely in-house. The underground test facility consists of a 300m (1,000 foot) decline (at an average grade of 15%) that branches into multiple headings and testing areas. The facility comes with additional shop and office space providing MacLean engineers and operator trainers the ideal setting for putting mining innovation theory into practice.   Read more here.


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Matrix Introduces Maestro Digital Mine’s Last Mile Communication Network Solution – Accelerating Connectivity

Matrix and Maclean Last Mile Communication Network Solution main image

Press Release

NEWBURGH, IN. September 17, 2020 – Matrix Design Group, a leading provider of technology for mining safety and productivity, has announced its introduction of the Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™ networking system to the U.S. market. Plexus PowerNet™, the first coaxial-based gigabit network, provides both data and power over a single cable. The system delivers a high-speed, low-latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Access Points (APs), cameras and any other IP-based devices.

The Plexus PowerNet™ coaxial cable carries both power and network connectivity, eliminating the need to run both fiber and power to new network devices. The system can also extend a fiber-optic-based system from the fiber patch panel at any level as needed. Plexus PowerNet™ eliminates the need for costly outside fiber optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any mine personnel.

“For a mining application, Maestro gives mines the ability to have high-speed data and power without the technical and time constraints of running a fiber network to the face of the mine,” said Chris Adkins, Sales/Business Development, Matrix Design Group. “Of course, the maintenance requirements of fiber are complex, but Maestro has reinvented the high-speed data network, allowing delivery of real-time data and power combined into one durable coaxial cable that’s easy to install, maintain and repair.”

The Plexus PowerNet™ is a backbone network system that can be used in mines with or without a fiber optic network. Supporting existing underground infrastructure, Plexus provides network connectivity to new and existing IIoT devices and automation technologies. It enables the digital mine and connected worker for: autonomous and tele-remote vehicles; telemetry to drills, loaders and support equipment; support for Short Interval Control and connectivity to tablet and smart devices; IoT sensors, such as environmental and seismicity; Voice over IP (VoIP); augmented reality; asset tracking; PoE+ based IP cameras and PoE+ LED lights for paste fill; and PLC connectivity. Plexus is an enabling technology for the digital mine.

Michael Gribbons, Co-founder and CEO, Maestro Digital Mine, stated, “The collaboration with Matrix Design Group is an essential part of expanding our reach into the US market with a team that understands the value of our digital network solution and how it aligns with the mines in the area. Bringing digital solutions, such as the Plexus PowerNet™, online enables worker safety, increased production and reduced costs; all of which are vital to Maestro and Matrix.”

The Matrix team’s commitment to product quality and customer service is a key differentiator in the mining sector. Matrix sales staff and field representatives are highly responsive to clients, including any training, education and service needs. Matrix works to see that every sale is considered a great investment by its customers.

To learn more about the Plexus PowerNet™ visit: and

Watch our video on 'Plexus PowerNet - Underground mine connectivity - Maestro Digital Mine' here.

About Matrix Design Group: 

Matrix is a safety and productivity technology leader for underground mining and industrial applications. Its innovative product lines include systems for proximity detection, communications and tracking, atmospheric monitoring, lighting and cameras. Headquartered in Newburgh, Indiana, Matrix has offices in Lexington, KY, Johannesburg, South Africa and service locations throughout its mining regions. Matrix is also an ISO 9001 certified supplier, which ensures a quality product and high level of service from an outstanding field service team.

About Maestro Digital Mine:

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Our products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sectors that deliver energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

Matrix Design Group Contact: 
Chris Adkins
Sales/Business Development
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maestro Digital Mine Contact:
Shannon Katary
Director of Marketing and Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read the complete press release here (PDF).


Media Coverage: 


Matrix introduces Maestro Digital Mine’s communication network solution
Global Mining Review

Matrix Design Group, a leading provider of technology for mining safety and productivity, has announced its introduction of the Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNetTM networking system to the US market. Plexus PowerNet, the first coaxial-based gigabit network, provides both data and power over a single cable. The system delivers a high-speed, low-latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to access points (APs), cameras and any other IP-based devices.
The coaxial cable carries both power and network connectivity, eliminating the need to run both fibre and power to new network devices. The system can also extend a fibre-optic-based system from the fibre patch panel at any level as needed. Plexus PowerNet eliminates the need for costly outside fibre optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any mine personnel.  Read more here.


Matrix to bring Maestro’s Plexus PowerNet to US mining market
IM International Mining

Matrix Design Group is to introduce Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™ networking system to the US market following the signing of a distribution agreement between the two companies.
Plexus PowerNet, the first coaxial-based gigabit network, provides both data and power over a single cable, according to Canada-based Maestro. The system delivers a high-speed, low-latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Access Points, cameras and any other IP-based devices, it says.  Read more here.


Matrix to bring Maestro's Plexus PowerNet to US mining market - International Mining

The collaboration with Matrix Design Group is an essential part of expanding our reach into the US market with a team that understands the value of our digital network solution and how it aligns with the mines in the area.
Matrix Design Group is to introduce Maestro Digital Mine's Plexus PowerNet™ networking system to the US market following the signing of a distribution agreement between the two companies.  Read more here.


Matrix Introduces Maestro Digital Mine’s Last Mile Communication Network Solution – Accelerating Connectivity
Coal Zoom

September 22, 2020 - Matrix Design Group, a leading provider of technology for mining safety and productivity, has announced its introduction of the Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™ networking system to the U.S. market. Plexus PowerNet™, the first coaxial-based gigabit network, provides both data and power over a single cable. The system delivers a high-speed, low-latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Access Points (APs), cameras and any other IP-based devices.
The Plexus PowerNet™ coaxial cable carries both power and network connectivity, eliminating the need to run both fiber and power to new network devices. The system can also extend a fiber-optic-based system from the fiber patch panel at any level as needed. Plexus PowerNet™ eliminates the need for costly outside fiber optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any mine personnel.  Read more here.


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2925 Hits

Airtec Implements Monitoring, Control and Integration System of Main Fans

Main image for the article Airtec Implements Monitoring, Control and Integration System of Main Fans


At its Carahuacra Mine in Peru. Soren Canepa, General Manager, Airtec S.A. explains the challenges they faced and how Maestro Digital Mine Solutions were applied in this featured article for the Rumbo Minero Magazine’s 130th issue.

We know that mining automation and digitization is imminent. The mining sector faces new challenges and therefore we need to be at the forefront. VOLCAN COMPAÑÍA MINERA S.A.A. has anticipated this and has acquired the specialized service on ventilation and automation from the Peruvian Company AIRTEC S.A.

Applying the know-how acquired in more than 50 years of being a company dedicated to air engineering in the manufacture of fans, AIRTEC S.A. has become a specialized company in fields like automation for underground mining ventilation systems, guaranteeing monitoring and control of the operations inside the mine, having as proof the various success cases in national and international mining units.

Airtec S.A. has an engineering and automation department that as of today has been leaving clients satisfied. Here, Airtec presents one of the projects that were worked on for VOLCAN COMPAÑÍA MINERA S.A.A. - U.M. CARAHUACRA:


Integrate 3 main axial fans located at RB-823 and RB-847 with a capacity superior to 100 KCFM to the SCADA system.
It is worth mentioning that the fans were not designed to be monitored; likewise, the start boards found in the field work with VFDs and Softstarters of different brands.

This project has as an objective the total integration to the system, generating an installed base for a future VOD (Ventilation on Demand) and the compliance of D.S. 024-2016 with its latest modification D.S. 023-2017. Taking this into account, a consensus on monitoring and control was made regarding the following critical variables:

Inset Image of a screen shot


The system’s solution was developed using 3 important brands, ALLEN BRADLEY, MAESTRO DIGITAL MINE and YOKOGAWA. One of the important factors when integrating the systems was the compatibility and scalability that the equipment can provide.

AIRTEC S.A. has been representing the prestigious Canadian brand MAESTRO DIGITAL MINE. The project was developed using the Air Quality Station Vigilante AQS™ for the measurement of toxic gases. The station was made specifically for the rough underground mine environment, with Nema 4X – IP66 protection.

The pressure points were located strategically inside the fan, they were processed by the YOKOGAWA pressure transmitters and integrated into the system satisfactorily. The multiple starter board brands found in the field were no problem for AIRTEC, since they count with the converters, communication protocols and in the field developers to turn the complexity into a simple and intelligent way.

“Thanks to the more than 50 years of experience in ventilation, the robustness of the equipment, the technology, and the field developers we were able to execute the project in the most safe and efficient way”.

Read the complete article of the 130th edition of Rumbo Minero (page 250).

Read the complete article of the 130th edition of Rumbo Minero (PDF).


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2642 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink™ Server Software Tool - Identify and manage problems before they occur in underground mines

Main image for the article Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink Server


Sudbury, ON. Canada – October 7, 2020 Maestro Digital Mine launches their next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT devices and networks – any time and anywhere. MaestroLink™ Server is the innovative on premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time.

Michael Gribbons, CEO, President and Co-founder, Maestro Digital Mine, stated that, “Maestro is known for its Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices used for ventilation monitoring and controls as well as last mile digital networks for the underground mining sector. These proven solutions installed globally in 32 countries provide safety to the workers, productivity improvements to operators and significant CAPEX and OPEX savings to the project group. All of Maestro’s IIoT devices utilize embedded webservers along with digital technology right down to each individual sensor, enabling remote diagnostics for solving maintenance problems as well as assuring sensor calibration compliance.”

This software platform provides a secure multi-instance web-based interface to monitor and record the health of any Vigilante AQS™ or Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations, DustMon™ PM particulate monitor and the Plexus PowerNet™ “last mile” underground communication network. Every Maestro digital IIoT digital device provides multi-variable data, but also a complete suite of diagnostic data.

Industry research through client engagement and experience discovered that once new hardware is installed underground, it often does not deliver on its full promise of consistent and accurate data to ultimately drive better business decisions. Part of the long-standing problem is assuring that the original data is valid, which then in turn, drives end user confidence. The requirement to properly diagnose the equipment in real-time becomes essential to keep up with operational production demands. With the addition of new digital solutions, the automation and electrical maintenance department is tasked to solve ever more complex problems with resources that have not increased in proportion to the number of sensors and systems that they are expected to support. MaestroLink™ Server was developed to fill the gap between the requirement of maximizing reliable and accurate operational data while reducing the impact and workload of the maintenance and support team.

Once installed, MaestroLink™ Server reaches out on the network to find and self populate the IIoT devices and network nodes and begins to monitor both the data and advanced diagnostics of the devices. Consider MaestroLink™ Server as your factory trained Maestro engineer and service technologist, working 24-7 assuring maximum uptime of each digital device.

MaestroLink™ Server can either be a user installed software solution or a pre-configured and combined hardware and software solution. Under most conditions MaestroLink™ Server resides in the Control Room or Mine Operations Center. The real-time performance networking characteristics are less intense for industrial protocols and the equipment is in an environmentally controlled area, cabinet, or control room. 

David Ballantyne, COO, CTO and Co-founder, Maestro Digital Mine, remarked, “It saves time and cost by giving miners the ability to poll the diagnostics and then turning the data into tangible actions from surface before having to go underground. The support team will go underground the first time with the proper tools, spare parts and equipment to do the maintenance once instead the industry standard requiring multiple trips.”

This diagnostic data allows MaestroLink™ Server to provide in-depth information regarding the IIoT device right down to the sensor level resolving current and future problems and ensuring proper sensor calibration; notification when sensors are about to expire; and finding sensors that are reading unusual or bad information.

To learn more about MaestroLink™ Server, contact us and visit:

About Maestro Digital Mine

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Our products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT and ventilation sectors that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.

Media Contact:
Shannon Katary
Director of Marketing and Communications
Maestro Digital Mine
C: (705) 521-2261

View PDF version.


Media Coverage: 


Maestro launches MaestroLink Server tool
Canadian Mining Journal

Maestro Digital Mine has announced the launch of the MaestroLink Server, which monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) devices and networks, anytime and anywhere.
This technology product is a premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time, to help them identify and manage problems before they occur in underground mines.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink™ Server Software Tool – Identify and manage problems before they occur in underground mines
Mine Connect

Sudbury, ON. Canada – October 7, 2020 Maestro Digital Mine launches their next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT devices and networks – any time and anywhere. MaestroLink™ Server is the innovative on premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time. Now access your data anytime anywhere!  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink™ Server underground mine monitoring platform
International Mining

Maestro Digital Mine has launched its next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT devices and networks – any time and anywhere. The company says “MaestroLink™ Server is the innovative on premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time.”  Read more here.


Maestro introduces MaestroLink Server
Mining Magazine

The new software platform release helps control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time.
It also provides a secure multi-instance web-based interface for users to monitor and record the condition of Vigilante AQS or Zephyr AQS air quality monitoring stations, DustMon PM particulate monitors and the Plexus PowerNet "last mile" underground communication network.
The company said the server system is to "fill the gap" between maximising reliable, accurate operational data and reducing the maintenance and support team's impact and workload. Once in place, MaestroLink has been designed to find and self-populate the site's IIoT devices and network nodes, and then starts its monitoring of data and advanced diagnostics of what it locates.  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine Launches MaestroLink™ Server Software Tool
Coal Zoom

October 7, 2020 - Maestro Digital Mine launches their next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT devices and networks - any time and anywhere. MaestroLink™ Server is the innovative on premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time. Now access your data anytime anywhere!  Read more here.


Maestro launches mine IoT monitoring tool
MetalTech News

Canada-based Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink, a server software tool for managing health conditions for all Maestro-based digital industrial internet of things devices and networks for the underground mining sector.

"Maestro is known for its industrial internet of things devices used for ventilation monitoring and controls as well as last mile digital networks for the underground mining sector," said Maestro Digital Mine President and CEO Michael Gribbons.  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine launches new software tool
Global Mining Review

Maestro Digital Mine has launched its next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices and networks. MaestroLinkTM Server is a premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time.

Michael Gribbons, CEO, President and Co-Founder of Maestro Digital Mine, stated: “Maestro is known for its IIoT devices used for ventilation monitoring and controls as well as last mile digital networks for the underground mining sector. These proven solutions installed globally in 32 countries provide safety to the workers, productivity improvements to operators and significant CAPEX and OPEX savings to the project group. All of Maestro’s IIoT devices utilise embedded webservers along with digital technology right down to each individual sensor, enabling remote diagnostics for solving maintenance problems as well as assuring sensor calibration compliance.”  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine’s MaestroLink Server provides real-time diagnostics for underground mines
CIM Magazine

While Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) monitoring devices and sensors have become more commonplace in underground mines, maintaining these monitors can be a challenge. In response, Maestro Digital Mine has launched the MaestroLink Server, a digital monitoring platform that delivers real-time diagnostics for all of Maestro’s IIoT devices. “Originally, the mining companies were asking for real-time data improving upon the typical end of the shift reports.”  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink Server Software Tool
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

Software designed to identify and manage problems before they occur in underground mines 

Sudbury, ON – Oct. 7, 2020: Maestro Digital Mine launches their next enabling technology that monitors the health condition of all Maestro digital IIoT devices and networks – any time and anywhere. MaestroLink™ Server is the innovative on premise-based monitoring platform that enables control room operators and maintenance teams to monitor and manage devices via smartphone, tablet or computer in real-time.  
Read more here.


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2998 Hits

Airtec S.A: “Plexus Powernet – Enabling the Intelligent Mine”


By Soren Cánepa Weyrauch
December 2020 / No. 132
Rumbo Minero Magazine


Many of the new developed technologies provided to the mines require high speed digital networks to be able to support the ever-growing data generated in underground mining. The great quantity of data can vary between video and voice communications, all the way to vehicle telemetry, dispatch, fan monitoring, pumps, etc.


The digital mine is based on the use of critical data to boost production, reduce costs and improve the safety of the workers. Most times, underground mines choose fiber optic cable to extend connectivity from the level all the way to the face. A power cable is also required independently for the wireless access points.

Fiber optic presents a series of challenges for the underground mining industry. Working fiber underground is difficult, it requires a lot of time to install, as well as specialized and costly training, which is frequently the most limiting factor for the advancement of connectivity.


Identifying the mining industry’s growing demand for real-time data, Airtec S.A., exclusive representative in Peru for the Canadian brand Maestro Digital Mine, puts the best technological solution to this need right into the reach of your hands. Plexus PowerNet™ provides a coaxial communication infrastructure solution, broadband and low latency that delivers robust network connectivity for the interior of the mine, with a simple use design that does not require specialists.

The Plexus PowerNet™ is easy to install, using a coaxial cable that carries both electricity and connectivity, eliminating the need to install a fiber optic cable with a different cable for power. The easy advance nodes provide a simple way to do terminations, troubleshoot and implement IP based devices from the integral network switch of Plexus PowerNet.™.

Airtec S.A., as a mining specialist knows that the activity with highest value to the mine is done at the face. The mine area with the least connectivity, as well as the darkest is the excavation face. For an industry that recognizes the value of connectivity and data, it is imperative to solve these challenges together! It is important and necessary to do this in a direct and economical way.


  1. Simplicity & Speed of Advancement.
  2. Bandwidth, Latency and Jitter.
  3. Provides data & power over the same cable.
  4. Flexible and robust coaxial copper cable.
  5. Fully Managed.
  6. Network Security.
  7. No licensing required.
  8. Open and Standard Based Network.
  9. Low total cost of ownership and installation.
  10. We leave no one stranded.

Airtec S.A. helps make the complex applications simple based on its expertise in the mining sector, accompanied by the best technology developed for the underground mine.

Read the article of the 132nd Edition of the Rumbo Minero Magazine (PDF).


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2559 Hits

Almost-reality training for mine workers

Main image for the article 'Almost-reality training for mine workers'

MacLean Engineering’s newly upgraded Ducky test mine in Sudbury, Canada, is growing in size and capabilities. Donna Schmidt finds out more about the facility.

Check out the Full article on Mining Magazine's website: Almost-reality training for mine workers - Mining Magazine.

In September 2020, MacLean Engineering announced its collaboration with Maestro Digital Mine for the placement of a connectivity network at the Ducky lab in the form of Maestro’s Plexus PowerNet gigabit network for data and power. The coaxial cable-based system is a high speed, low-latency digital communication network offering PoE+ power to access points (APs), cameras and other internet protocol (IP)-based devices.
Plexus PowerNet can be installed and maintained internally, the company said at the time of the announcement, and utilised with or without a fiber optic network. “It supports existing underground mine infrastructure and provides network connectivity to new IIoT [Industrial Internet of Things] devices and automation technologies for digital mines, such as the MacLean R&D facility,” the companies said.
The Ducky lab now has just one cable for its network connectivity, and the system’s EZ Advance nodes help to terminate, troubleshoot and deploy connected devices via an embedded network switch. “Collaboration up and down the supply chain is critical to making innovation happen in the under ground mining sector at home and around the globe,” marketing and communications VP Stuart Lister points out. “It will be backbone of our automation product development [at the facility].”



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Mining Software Feature - Breaking down the silos

Main image for the article Maestro Digital Mine launches MaestroLink Server

International Mining Magazine – February 2021 Issue

Check out the full Mining Software Feature Article here.
For more information on IMM, visit

No modern mine is short of data, but what these operations continually lack is an ability to fully leverage this data across processes.Dan Gleeson speaks to those in the mining software space to find out how far off the industry is from ‘connecting the dots’

With its IIoT devices and solutions – such as the Vigilante AQS™ and Zephyr AQS™ air quality stations to measure environmental conditions in real time – now installed in 34 different countries and over 145 underground mines in less than 10 years, Maestro Digital Mine’s success is known the world over.

All of Maestro’s products, including its last mile network Plexus Powernet™, are fully digital and ‘connected’ to determine the health of the sensors and the complete system.

To leverage this information, the company has developed MaestroLink™ Server to monitor the equipment and allow easy and quick decisions from a centralised location. The software goes as far as indicating what the action response must be.

As Maestro Director of Marketing and Communications, Shannon Katary, says, “data is only useful if it helps determine a decision or action”. Maestro has the capability to provide instruction items around its device maintenance, she added. “MaestroLink fits perfectly into our core purpose of enhancing lives by the pursuit of productivity and safety excellence,” she added.

All of Maestro’s industrial IoT devices use embedded web servers along with digital technology right to each individual sensor, enabling remote diagnostics for solving maintenance problems as well as assuring sensor calibration compliance.

MaestroLink Server is a network-based software platform that features a multi-instance web-based interface to monitor and record the health of Vigilante AQS and Zephyr AQS stations along with the Plexus PowerNet underground communication networks.

Maestro’s research, industry client engagement and experience discovered that once new digital hardware is installed underground, it often does not deliver on its full promise of consistent and accurate data to ultimately drive better business decisions. Part of the long-standing problem is assuring the original data is valid, which, in turn, drives end user confidence.

“The requirement to properly diagnose the equipment in real time becomes essential to keep up with operational production demands,” the company says.

“With the addition of new digital solutions, the automation and electrical maintenance department is tasked with solving ever more complex problems with resources that have not increased in proportion to the number of sensors and systems that they are expected to support,” Katary said.

MaestroLink Server was developed to fill the gap between the requirement of maximising reliable and accurate operational data while reducing the impact and workload of the maintenance and support team, according to Katary.

Once installed, MaestroLink Server reaches out on the network to find and self populate the IIoT devices and network nodes, and begins to monitor both the data and advanced diagnostics of the devices.

The benefits have been seen at a Nevada-based gold mine, which was experiencing ventilation constraints. The mine’s ventilation teams meet weekly to analyse MaestroLink Server data and diagnostics. By looking at the data and diagnostics, they can action the maintenance team. They can also determine which ventilation doors have been left open and send a technician to rectify the issue in real time to increase the overall ventilation supply to the working areas.

Such a process effectively makes MaestroLink Server an in-house, factory-trained Maestro technologist and engineer for the mine, working 24-7 and assuring maximum uptime of each digital device, Katary said.

She concluded: “MaestroLink Server saves time and cost by giving miners the ability to poll the diagnostics, and then turn the data into tangible actions from surface before having to go underground. The support team will go underground the first time with the proper tools, spare parts and equipment to do the maintenance once instead of multiple trips.”



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2006 Hits

How to Clear the Air

Group photo of MDM Panelists and organizers

Shannon Katary, Maestro Digital Mine, considers the best methods of air ventilation in underground mines

The air quality stations need to be cost effective and used with the existing mine infrastructure. As a result, Maestro developed the Vigilante AQSTM air quality station to measure environmental conditions in real-time for worker health and safety and to reduce the total installed infrastructure costs.

The station is a multi-variable air quality station designed to monitor and control air quality in underground mines that accurately measures airflow rate, direction, wet and dry bulb temperature, gas concentration and dust particulates, enabling miners to return to the face sooner and safer. This Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) device connects directly to any network without the requirement of adding an expensive and complex programmable logic controller (PLC). This solution is compact, easy to install and train people to use. Best of all, the system is 50 – 70% less expensive than conventional options.

To ensure worker safety, fixed environmental sensors transmit real-time data from the underground workings to the surface command centre. The real-time data from the sensors allows miners to return safely to their working areas more quickly, allowing significant productivity increases along with monitoring critical areas for potential fires. All critical sensors require frequent maintenance and calibration to maintain accurate and reliable measurements. The previously used technology required underground calibrations at each individual location using test gases and calibration equipment. However, several physical and environmental challenges prevented accurate and repeatable calibrations. Calibrating gas sensors underground is very difficult, time consuming and fraught with calibration errors thereby limiting the confidence of the legacy monitors.

Working in partnership with the mines to meet their requirements, the company aids in installing the Vigilante AQS Air Quality Stations that feature digital gas sensors that can be calibrated on surface in a stable controlled environment. The digital sensors then can be ‘hot swapped’ by a ventilation technician without the requirement of any sort of underground calibration. Built upon the IIoT, the digital sensors compensate for barometric pressure and temperature and have a complete suite of real-time diagnostics to help determine the health of the complete system and provide maximum system uptime.

Check out the full Feature Article here (PDF). 

For more information on the Global Mining Review, visit


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2239 Hits

Global Business Reports Latest Interviews Features Michael Gribbons - President, CEO & Co-Founder of Maestro Digital Mine

Photo of Michael Gribbons

Maestro’s vision is to change the way that underground mines communicate and to strip out complexity in the automation sector by utilizing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices and solutions.

We are recreating the methodology of underground asset automation by greatly reducing expensive and complex hardware, software, and engineered services, using simple, mine-hardened IIoT devices. The “plug and play” IIoT solutions drive out automation CAPEX and reduce integration times by a factor of 40-70% while providing additional real-time diagnostics that assure maximum uptimes and minimal OPEX.

Anything IIoT that is used in a mine and is considered a fixed asset is on our radar. We have decided not to enter the mobile IIoT market. Pumps, ore passes, crushers, fans, doors, regulators, paste fill, hydraulic oil, fuel, compressed air, potable water systems - all need automation. All require expensive and complex PLC or DCS systems to integrate and control. Maestro will continue to combine embedded firmware/hardware IIoT edge-based devices that strip out this complex and expensive equipment.

Check out the full interview here.



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2223 Hits

Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2021

Image of the online GBR Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2021 online cover webpage.

The Complete Publication of Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2021 is Now Online for Viewing.


Read Mike Gribbons’ interview with Global Business Reports on page 62, click here.

Full Virtual Global Business Report, click here.


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2219 Hits

Sudbury rolls with the pandemic punches

Image of a group of Norcat employees in an underground mine tunnel looking at Maestro's Vigilante Air Quality Station.

For Lively, Ont.-based Maestro Digital Mines, the situation has been reversed: the disruption of the pandemic has forced its clients to adopt digital communication technology they were previously reluctant to use.

The company, which makes environmental sensors and easy-to-install hardware that allows digital communications at the mine face, has long used such digital communication technologies internally. “We were well engaged with all these tools, but our clients weren’t – they didn’t appreciate that type of engagement,” says Maestro’s vice-president of marketing and sales, Michael Gribbons. Now, the company’s clients have come around. In fact, Maestro just had its best year yet in terms of sales and profits. 

That said, it’s been tough to build new relationships in parts of the world such as Latin America, where a personal touch and face-to-face meetings are part of the cultural expectations. But the positives for the company, which is celebrating 10 years in business this year, have so far outweighed the negatives. Working from home has made the entire Maestro team more productive, Gribbons says, including some members who had previously spent half their time on the road. “We’re not going back to the old ways so easily.”

Canadian Mining Journal March Issue 2021 by CMJ Editor Alisha Hiyate

Read the complete article, click here.


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2828 Hits

Maestro's IIoT solutions now integrate into Ventsim CONTROL

Image of the Maestro Digital Mines logo and Howden logo.

Press Release

Sudbury, ON. Canada – April 13, 2021 Maestro Digital Mine is pleased to announce that their ventilation IIoT solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden's Ventsim CONTROL Ventilation Optimization software, thus strengthening Maestro's mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world. Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro's Vigilante AQS™ & Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlex™ automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.
Ventsim CONTROL uses real-time data to continuously optimize and redirect airflow for peak efficiency and safety in all activity levels and headings in your mine as production priorities shift. Ventsim CONTROL communicates with all hardware and instrumentation mine infrastructure.
“Expanding Ventsim Control’s capabilities to incorporate Maestro’s advanced solutions and plug and play ventilation devices is an exciting and logical next step. The integration will now make it easier than ever for mines to enjoy the safety and security of mine-wide atmospheric monitoring, together with advanced and intelligent ventilation automation to improve safety and productivity and reduce costs. Maestro's core values align with Howden’s in striving for excellence in safety, productivity, and service for our customers,” says Howden’s Craig Stewart – Ventsim Founder.


Maestro developed in partnership with the mining industry an essential and life saving digital technology, the Vigilante AQS™ air quality station, to measure environmental conditions in real-time for worker health and safety and to reduce the total installed infrastructure costs. With the success of the Vigilante AQS™, Maestro went on to develop the Zephyr AQS™ is a low-cost air quality monitoring station for underground mines that now completes internally with the gold standard – Vigilante AQS™ air quality station.

To date, Maestro has thousands of Vigilantes AQS™, hundreds of Zephyrs AQS™ and MaestroFlex™ automated regulators in underground mines and many that are utilizing the Plexus PowerNet™ last mile communication network.  MaestroLinkServer software manages the IIoT devices in the field using advanced edge based diagnostic data thereby reducing on-going calibration and maintenance OPEX. All of Maestro's products are fully digital and have significant information in the form of status bits to determine the health of the sensors and the complete systems. VentSim CONTROL can continue to enhance the customer experience to automate and optimize their mining ventilation to improve mine production, worker safety and significantly reduce a mine's overall energy consumption.


Michael Gribbons, CEO, President and Co-founder, Maestro Digital Mine, stated that, "Maestro is known for its Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices used for ventilation monitoring and controls as well as last mile digital networks for the underground mining sector.  These proven solutions installed globally in 35 countries provide safety to the workers, productivity improvements to operators and significant CAPEX and OPEX savings to the project group.  Integrating our ventilation solutions into Ventsim CONTROL is one more way we can create a seamless user interface for customers".

About Maestro Digital Mine
Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile of communication. Our products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT/OT and ventilation sectors that delivers energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards.
About Howden
For more than a century, Howden has supplied ventilation fans and equipment to every major mining company in the world. Today, Howden's Total Mine Ventilation Solutions (TMVS) is a fully integrated approach to mine ventilation and air quality control. By reducing blast-clearing downtime, Howden can improve production rates by up to 70%. Howden is able to provide all necessary equipment, services, and Ventsim solutions mine sites require in a fully customizable and integrated product offering: Main and Auxiliary Fans, Mine Heaters, Mine Cooling, Ventilation Optimization, and Turnkey solutions. 

Maestro Digital Mine Contact:
Nataly Arguello
International Business Development and Marketing
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705-805-6918 x 218

PDF Version


Media Coverage: 


Maestro's IIoT solutions now integrate into Howden's Ventsim CONTROL ventilation optimisation software
International Mining

Maestro’s ventilation IIoT solutions it says have been successfully integrated into Howden’s Ventsim CONTROL ventilation optimisation software, thus strengthening Maestro’s mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world. Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro’s Vigilante AQS™ & Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlex™ automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


Maestro’s IIoT solutions now integrate into Ventsim CONTROL
Mine Connect

Maestro Digital Mine is pleased to announce that their ventilation IIoT solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden’s Ventsim CONTROL Ventilation Optimization software, thus strengthening Maestro’s mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world. Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro’s Vigilante AQS™ & Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlex™ automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


Maestro integrates with Howden Ventsim software
Mining Magazine

Maestro CEO, president and co-founder Michael Gribbons said that combining its Vigilante AQS and Zephyr AQS air quality monitoring stations along with MaestroFlex automated regulators within Ventsim, that system can easily be configured to manage ventilation rates by reducing any project's complexity and integration time.

Howden's Craig Stewart, who is the founder of Ventsim, and Gribbons explained that Ventsim Control continuously optimises and redirects airflow in any application using real-time data, providing peak efficiency and safety in all activity levels at all mine's headings - even if production priorities change.  Read more here.


Maestro IIoT solutions now integrate into Ventsim Control
Canadian Mining Journal

Maestro Digital Mine has announced that its ventilation IIoT (industrial internet-of-things) solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden’s Ventsim Control Ventilation Optimization software, strengthening Maestro’s mine ventilation solutions for customers worldwide.

Ventsim Control can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro’s Vigilante AQS and Zephyr AQS air quality monitoring stations, using MaestroFlex automated regulators, Ventsim Control can be easily configured to manage ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine integrates IIoT solutions into Howden software
Global Mining Review

Maestro Digital Mine has announced that their ventilation Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden's Ventsim CONTROL ventilation optimisation software, thus strengthening Maestro's mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world. Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro's Vigilante AQSTM and Zephyr AQSTM air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlexTM automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine strengthens mine ventilation solutions
Northern Ontario Business

It is a pleasure to announce that Maestro’s ventilation IIoT solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden's Ventsim CONTROL Ventilation Optimization software, thus strengthening Maestro's mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world.

Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro's Vigilante AQS™ & Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlex™ automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine strengthens mine ventilation solutions
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

SUDBURY, ON – April 14, 2021: It is a pleasure to announce that Maestro’s ventilation IIoT solutions have been successfully integrated into Howden's Ventsim CONTROL Ventilation Optimization software, thus strengthening Maestro's mine ventilation solutions for customers around the world.

Ventsim CONTROL can remotely monitor, control, and automate in real-time the total underground mine ventilation from the surface. Combined with Maestro's Vigilante AQS™ & Zephyr AQS™ air quality monitoring stations and using MaestroFlex™ automated regulators, Ventsim CONTROL can be easily configured to manage the ventilation by reducing the complexity and integration time of any project.  Read more here.


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3094 Hits

Change Your Mind, Change Your Mine


Jesse Morton, Technical Writer for the Engineering and Mining Journal, talks about how advanced networks and communications solutions are gaining acceptance incrementally as knowledge of the numerous benefits grows on this featured article for its March 2021 issue.

Maestro’s first air quality station, the Vigilante AQS, was developed to capture an array of conditions in deeper mines, Maestro said. “Its objective is to monitor environmental conditions in real time for worker safety and health,” said Shannon Katary, director of marketing and communications, Maestro.

“It had been so successful at being embedded in mines on many levels across the world that we realized we had to create a lower-cost version, the Zephyr AQS,” she said. “It is just a slightly lower-cost version, which has about 75% of what the gold standards are for measuring, and it has led to uniting the industry on what it takes to monitor and control ventilation.”

A partnership with Maestro Digital Mine positioned Matrix to offer the MaestroLink Server, Plexus PowerNet and two air quality station solutions.

Plexus PowerNet extends an existing network to the furthest working area and can support the air quality stations there. “Plexus is usually an added-on solution and integrates into mine-wide networks,” said Cindy Chesney, director, global partnerships, Maestro.

“Plexus is agnostic, so it can attach and be affiliated with any underground networks,” she said. “The one extreme benefit is power and data over a single coax cable.”

MaestroLink Server is a software platform that allows the assimilation of the data coming in from the working areas.

Coats said the new network and communications solutions at the limestone mine quickly yielded dividends. “They started saving about an hour and a half per vehicle breakdown,” he said. “That was one of the first things that they noticed.”

Combined, the solutions result in increased production and safety. It is a future available to many mines, so long as they have the vision and can handle the changes, he said.

Click here for the full article on the Engineering and Mining Journal website. (Page 40).


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3815 Hits

Ten Northern Ontario Mining Supply and Service Companies Selected to Set Up Shop in Elko, Nevada

Main image for the article

Maestro has been selected as one of the successful companies to begin onboarding at a new storefront in Elko, Nevada in September of 2021. This initiative led by MineConnect will allow the Northern Ontario region’s mining supply and service companies to establish a local presence in Nevada with very little financial risk.

“The Nevada Mining Industry has struggled for years to fill various gaps within its supply chain; we are thrilled to have top tier companies from a world class mining district establishing their US based operations right here locally where they can provide goods and services that have traditionally been difficult to procure,” added Sheldon Mudd, executive director of NNRDA. “We anticipate multiple benefits arising from this initiative. First, the Nevada Mining industry will be able to source goods and services from local suppliers rather than global providers who often do not have the United States best interest in mind. Next, it will create jobs and generate new tax revenue ensuring that more of our mining dollars remain in the Northeastern Nevada economic eco-system. “

The initiative comes under the auspices of Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation (ONEDC), with funding support from FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC).

The intent of the project, is for participating companies to take advantage of the benefits available through the incubator to then venture off on their own, allowing another stream of companies to be onboarded. The program, which is being undertaken in partnership with the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Trade and Investment Unit, will support upwards of thirty companies over the course of the project.

Click here for the Press Release on the MineConnect website.


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2911 Hits

Up in the Air

Image of Automated Door Regulators


By providing smart IIoT devices that can be integrated with any third-party platform, Maestro Digital Mine has made the difficult task of optimally ventilating underground mines that much easier.

MaestroFlex™ Automated Regulators allow surface-based control room operators the ability to control ventilation through manual, event-based, time-based or full ventilation on demand (VoD) functions, according to Maestro. They, like all of Maestro’s products, have been designed to withstand the realities of underground mining.

When equipped with ModuDrive™ digital IIoT actuators, the regulators can also provide real-time diagnostics that allow troubleshooting from surface through Maestro’s networked-based software platform, MaestroLink™ Server.

The introduction of this regulator design drives out significant capital expenditure underground by eliminating expensive PLCs, transformers, engineering services and panel fabricators, according to the company. The IIoT actuators require less current and, as a result, eliminate the requirement of a transformer. These elements lead to capital expenditure savings of some 40-70% over the incumbent technology, according to Gribbons.

The combination of the regulators and actuators also have a role to play in the mining sector’s evolving ESG needs.

“If you take a look at institutional investor demands when it comes to ESG, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are front and centre,” Gribbons said. “Investors and consumers are demanding that mining must be sustainable. Controlling ventilation optimally means GHG reductions and a smaller carbon footprint. The main concern from the mining industry revolves around carbon reduction.” .

Read the complete article here (page 10).

Read the PDF here.


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2858 Hits

Drinks & Drives: Monday Night Football Topgolf Tailgate with Maestro Digital Mine, Exyn & NSS Canada.

Image of invite

Join us on September 13th from 4 - 7 pm for a Monday Night Top Golf Tailgate. The only place it's OK to drink & drive!

We're taking over the TCL Lounge on the top floor of Topgolf Las Vegas to thank our amazing partners, clients, and friends who have helped us bring innovative safety solutions and environmental technology into the mining industry.

Enjoy free golf, drinks, and snacks with industry partners all leading up to Monday Night Football's matchup -- the Las Vegas Raiders vs the Baltimore Ravens.

RSVP to reserve your tickets.

*Disclaimer: the word "drive" is referring to the golf term for a long-distance shot played from the tee box. Never drink and drive.*


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2111 Hits

Future Proofed Networks



Fibre presents several challenges to the underground mining industry. Terminating fibre underground is difficult, time consuming and requires expensive specialised training, which is frequently, the biggest contributing factor limiting the advance of connectivity. These types of delays inhibit the agility and pace needed to enable the digital mine and bring communications to the face.

Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™ delivers a high speed, low latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to Wireless Access Points (WAPs), cameras and any other IP based device. The system eliminates the need for costly outside fibre optic contractors and can be installed and maintained by any internal tradesperson. It also addresses the challenges associated with extending fibre optic-based communication backbone solutions for ‘last mile’ data applications.

Lundin Gold decided to use the Plexus PowerNet™ because it uses a single conventional copper coaxial cable which provides power and data. Plexus PowerNet™ delivers a high speed, low latency digital communication network that provides PoE+ power to IP Cameras, PoE+ lights, Wireless Access Points (WAPs) and any other IP based device. 

Read the complete article here, pg. 97-98


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2068 Hits

Maestro Digital Mine garners Company of the Year at prestigious Bell Business Excellence Awards

Group Image of MDM staff who attended the awards gala

Sudbury, ON, Canada – September 17, 2021, METS Sector digital disruptor, Maestro Digital Mine is being recognized as Company of the Year for its excellence, continuous growth and success in the underground mine sector.

MDM employee received an award at the gala.The Sudbury-based company was honoured at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.

Cofounders, David Ballantyne, COO and Michael Gribbons, CEO accepted the Company of the Year Award after having just showcased their disruptive technologies at the MINExpo 2021 convention in Las Vegas, USA.

The Company of the Year Award is presented to a company that has demonstrated significant business achievement, sustainable financial performance, outstanding growth and success, and has had a significant impact on the community’s economy.

Maestro’s brand promise, “We leave no one stranded” is the foundation that drives exemplary customer service 24-7. One of Maestro’s core values “Listen, Learn and Act” facilitates upfront collaboration with multiple end users and cooperation up and down the supply chain that is vital to achieving the development of relevant and commercially viable solutions for the mining sector.

Maestro, immersed in a diverse mining innovation hub, is a proud ambassador for Canadian METS sector and continues to support the community and mining organizations such as MMTS, CIM, Science North and Dynamic Earth, NORCAT, MIRARCO, CEMI, LU – Goodman School of Mines, Cambrian College, MineConnect, MSTA, and providing dynamic and technically challenging careers for the modern world.

Their cleantech products and solutions deliver worker safety and productivity improvements while reducing energy and greenhouse gas footprint, aiding in corporate decarbonization efforts, and supporting global warming initiatives.

Maestro’s solutions are now recognized in over 36 countries and deployed globally in 150+ mines including Vale, Glencore, BHP, Rio Tinto, Newmont, Barrick Gold and Nutrien.

Read the PDF here.


Media Coverage: 


Bell Business Awards celebrate Sudbury’s best
Toronto Star

For John Lalonde, just getting together with fellow entrepreneurs in Sudbury was a thrill. To walk away with the Entrepreneur of the Year award at this year’s Bell Business Awards made the evening even more special.
“It was pretty cool just to be at the awards ceremony (Thursday) night with the Sudbury business community,” said Lalonde, the founder of Sessions Ride Company.  Read more here.


Bell Business Awards celebrate Sudbury's best
Sudbury Star

For John Lalonde, just getting together with fellow entrepreneurs in Sudbury was a thrill. To walk away with the Entrepreneur of the Year award at this year’s Bell Business Awards made the evening even more special.
“It was pretty cool just to be at the awards ceremony (Thursday) night with the Sudbury business community,” said Lalonde, the founder of Sessions Ride Company.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine garners Company of the Year at prestigious Bell Business Excellence Awards
Mine Connect

METS Sector digital disruptor, Maestro Digital Mine is being recognized as Company of the Year for its excellence, continuous growth and success in the underground mine sector.
The Sudbury-based company was honored at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine garners Company of the Year at prestigious Bell Business Excellence Awards
Potash Works

Sudbury, ON. Canada – September 17, 2021, METS Sector digital disruptor, Maestro Digital Mine is being recognized as Company of the Year for its excellence, continuous growth and success in the underground mine sector.
The Sudbury-based company was honored at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine Garners Company of the Year at Prestigious Bell Business Excellence Awards
Coal Zoom

September 18, 2021 - METS Sector digital disruptor, Maestro Digital Mine is being recognized as Company of the Year for its excellence, continuous growth and success in the underground mine sector.
The Sudbury-based company was honored at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.  
Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine garners Company of the Year at prestigious Bell Business Excellence Awards
MSTA Canada

The Sudbury-based company was honoured at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field.
Cofounders, David Ballantyne, COO and Michael Gribbons, CEO accepted the Company of the Year Award after having just showcased their disruptive technologies at the MINExpo 2021 convention in Las Vegas, USA.
The Company of the Year Award is presented to a company that has demonstrated significant business achievement, sustainable financial performance, outstanding growth and success, and has had a significant impact on the community’s economy.  Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine Garners Company of the Year at Bell Business Excellence Awards
Mining Connection

The Sudbury-based company was honored at the 24th annual Bell Business Excellence Awards gala celebration on September 16th at the Caruso Club in Sudbury. Hosted by the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the annual awards ceremony pays tribute to entrepreneurs and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their field. Cofounders, David Ballantyne, COO and Michael Gribbons, CEO accepted the Company of the Year Award after having just showcased their disruptive technologies at the MINExpo 2021 convention in Las Vegas, USA.  Read more here.


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2747 Hits

Gaining Recognition for Excellence

Diagram of automation ventilation system in underground mine tunnel


“Proven energy savings are in the relative range of 25% to 50%,” CEO Michael Gribbons said. “Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by using less energy. But what goes hand in hand with that is giving miners more time at the face.”

Zephyr is a small, lower-cost, condition-monitoring station and AQS. Both IIoT devices have edge-computing and plug-and-play capabilities and can be easily added to networks for integration to ventilation control software, such as the NRG1-ECO from SHYFTinc, VentSIM Control from Howden, or ABB’s Ability, for an automated VOD solution.

“It is about disruption by elimination,” Gribbons said. “That is really the strategy behind our approach.” The stations can eliminate engineering work, drawings, cabinet designs, approvals and wiring. Other savings come from the reduced space, reduced complexity and the increased real-time data.

For example, Vale’s Totten copper-nickel mine, in Ontario, deployed Vigilante AQS on an Ethernet network, and the NRG1-ECO to manage an ABB fan control. The VOD solution was ramped up in phases over a period of three years, with the initial expectation of a 50% reduction in energy demand. Ultimately, however, the total achieved savings hit a whopping 61.6%.

Totten “is a great example of NRG1 integrating directly to our digital devices,” Gribbons said. “Totten has publicly announced there are capex savings of more than 45% for just the first round of Vigilantes.”

Open architecture allows for easier installs and maintenance and gives the miner sovereignty over the data. Gone is the perpetual scrap over who technically owns the data, which customers love. 

Read the PDF here, pg. 39-40.

Read the complete article online here.


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1650 Hits

Key considerations for planning a ventilation system on demand

Diagram of automation ventilation system in underground mine tunnel


Mining consultants and suppliers have equally advocated the energy benefits of installing a ventilation on demand (VOD) or ventilation control system (VCS) in many underground mines, but the mining industry has yet to fully embrace this technology. With the strong emphasis on reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) to slow the acceleration of global warming, progressive ESG investors are scrutinizing mining companies based upon long term sustainability while regulators are simultaneously applying carbon consumption penalties.

This article explores some of the reasons for the cautious uptake of VOD based on observations from the 150 mines we serve globally. To provide as wide a view as possible, there’s also input of 20 global mining professionals in both the ventilation and automation sector on this question.

A VOD/VCS system should not be viewed as a magic bullet to achieving the lowest possible energy input into a mine. Above all, the acute and long-term safety of the miners must not be compromised in a normal production mode as well as in an emergency state from a fire or unplanned explosion.

From a cost/benefit perspective, a 20% savings in energy is not the same as a 20% increase in production. Production trumps energy savings 100% of the time, therefore energy savings should never be the sole reason for the system. Or put another way, maximizing energy efficiency does not necessarily maximize the mine’s overall profitability.

As much as humanly possible, a ventilation system should not impede production. Mining is in a constant state of flux with levels being mined, old levels being shut down and the ongoing development of new levels.

Where to start

Before embarking on your journey, subject matter experts and ventilation consultants should prepare a potential business case with mine management that will define what success should look like, positive impacts and counterbalancing risks, and a suitable approach where the economics work.

Staged roll-out vs. all-in approach

Inset image

Confidence in the system can be quickly eroded if the control system plan is implemented too quickly and one or more components fail. Successful projects often stage the ventilation system in smaller segments for early success and system confidence.

Read the complete article in the digital magazine here (pg. 27).

Read the complete article in the CMJ website here..


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2301 Hits

Underground Mine Innovator Maestro Digital Mine Celebrates its 10th Year Anniversary

Group shot of Maestro Digital Mine staff

Sudbury, ON. Canada – December 14, 2021, Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10th year anniversary providing digital IIoT ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector.

The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety.

The company has assisted clients in reducing GHG emissions through energy savings yielded from directing the ventilation air to the required areas, and reducing it in areas without miners or equipment in use. “This can reduce ventilation demand by 20-50%,” said Michael Gribbons, president, CEO and co-founder of Maestro Digital Mine.

Maestro believes in “disruption by elimination”, developing mine hardened multi-variable measurement devices that reduce infrastructure costs and eliminate complex PLCs, wiring and engineering services, among other things.

The status quo disruptor was recently awarded the Company of the Year Bell Excellence Award for its continuous growth, excellence, and success in the underground mining sector. “We have a great team, and I think this is a great recognition for them,” said David Ballantyne, COO of Maestro.

Maestro has made the difficult task of optimally ventilating underground mines easier by providing smart IIoT devices that can be integrated with any third-party platform. Their air quality stations Vigilante AQS™ have now been making an impact underground for a decade.

Maestro’s dramatic growth is the direct result of their dedication and attention to customer service and quality. They continuously work to have a team of experts who strive for excellence and to stay relevant to the industry’s needs. Kathy Heimbecker, Production Manager, states that “being at Maestro means to be challenged every day, which drives to learning. Also, the dynamics at Maestro are unique... it is a multigenerational company. The ages of the Maestro team range from around 20 to 70 years old, so there is always something to learn.”

For Jacob Lachapelle, Global Sales Manager, challenge, autonomy and variety are key aspects of working at Maestro. “Doing what I do at Maestro gives me purpose and fulfillment. I aim to bridge technical knowledge and experience of underground mining instrumentation and automation with sales and marketing. Breaking into new markets all over the world and working with distributors are key to why I love what I do".

Nataly Argüello, Marketing Manager, states that at her role she is able to bring national and global brand awareness to the company as the essential digital technology provider and enabler for operating mines. “Being in a company with a team of different backgrounds has helped me grow my international business experience and interact with mining delegations from all over the world, helping strengthen the relationships within the mining industry”.

Maestro Digital Mine has a brand promise, “We leave no one stranded”. This promise is core to their values and drives them to provide excellent real time customer service. Working in partnership with mining companies and key suppliers, and developing agnostic digital solutions to real-time challenges, their digital solutions are recognized in over 38 countries and deployed globally in 150+ mines. 

About Maestro Digital Mine

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT, and ventilation sectors, delivering energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards. Learn more about Maestro’s digital solutions at

Maestro Contact:

Nataly Argüello
Marketing Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office: 1-705-805-6918 x 218

Read the PDF here.


Media Coverage: 


Underground mine innovator Maestro Digital Mine celebrates its 10th year anniversary
Northern Ontario Business

SUDBURY – Dec. 14, 2021: Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10th year anniversary providing digital IIoT ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Underground mine innovator Maestro Digital Mine celebrates its 10th year anniversary
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

SUDBURY – Dec. 14, 2021: Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10th year anniversary providing digital IIoT ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Underground Mine Innovator Maestro Digital Mine Celebrates its 10th Year Anniversary.
Potash Works

Sudbury, ON. Canada – December 14, 2021, Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10th year anniversary providing digital IIoT ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Maestro Digital celebrates 10 years of underground innovation
Canadian Mining Journal

Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10-year anniversary providing digital IIoT (industrial internet of things) ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury, Ont.-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital and operating expenses and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Underground Mine Innovator Maestro Digital Mine Celebrates its 10th Year Anniversary
Mine Connect

Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10th year anniversary providing digital IIoT ventilation monitoring and control products as well as “last mile” communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Maestro Digital Mine celebrates its 10-year anniversary
Global Mining Review

Maestro Digital Mine is celebrating its 10-year anniversary providing digital Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) ventilation monitoring and control products, as well as ‘last mile’ communication networks for the underground mining sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilising IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


Underground Mine Innovator Maestro Digital Mine Celebrates its 10th Year Anniversary
MSTA Canada

Sudbury, On. Canada – December 14, 2021, Maestro Digital Mine is Celebrating its 10th Year Anniversary Providing Digital IIoT Ventilation Monitoring and Control Products as well as “Last Mile” Communication Networks for the Underground Mining Sector. The Sudbury-based company began in 2011 focusing on making the complex simple. Maestro’s vision from the start has been to change the way that underground mines measure, control and communicate by stripping out complexity utilizing IIoT solutions to provide more time at the face and driving down capital, operating expenses, and improving worker safety. Read more here.


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2596 Hits

Exyn Technologies Partners with Maestro Digital Mine to Expand ExynAI's Multi-Sensing Capabilities

Image of a drone and at bottom Exyn logo at left and Maestro Digital Mine logo at right

Exyn and Maestro Digital Mine’s partnership highlights a continued effort to enhance worker safety in the mining industry

February 28th – Philadelphia, PA –
 Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, today announces a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™. This partnership highlights both companies' continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry.

Hazardous gasses underground are an invisible threat to mining teams, who often don't know they are in danger until it's too late. This gas buildup can be created through the exposed strata, blasting, daily "mucking" and even runaway battery fires on critical machinery. Traditionally, the gas levels are measured by the ventilation system at the return air raises or wearable sensors donned by miners. And while these innovations have saved countless lives, they don’t allow a manless inspection of the headings before re-entry or in emergency situations.

Now the ExynAero, a fully autonomous drone for exploring and mapping GPS-denied environments, equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor can be flown down drifts or into stopes to detect and localize any hazardous gasses without putting mining and survey teams in danger. Survey teams can easily add different gas sensors onto an ExynPak and mount it to the front of a truck or loader to capture the same gas sensor data while mapping drifts or moving ore, capturing critical data while not slowing down daily production.

“In the future, buying an autonomous robot will be similar to online car shopping. Pick your airframe, your preferred level of autonomy, and add in any sensors that fit your specific need,” says Nader Elm, Co-Founder and CEO of Exyn Technologies. "The capabilities of ExynAITM multi-sensor fusion move autonomous robots out of boutique one-to-one use cases and into much broader applications. We're very excited about our first integration with Maestro Digital Mine and look forward to continually improving worker safety below and above ground."

Powered by ExynAI's multi-sensor fusion capabilities, gas sensor readings are captured while the robot is in flight and displayed in real-time via a ruggedized tablet. These sensor readings are saved with precise coordinates in a high-fidelity point cloud that can be exported and examined in a variety of mining software.

With lives and money at risk, the sensor-equipped ExynAero is the next step in improving worker safety in the mining industry.

“Collaborating with a world leading autonomous drone manufacturer is another important step to living up to our core purpose of enhancing lives by the pursuit of productivity and safety excellence,” says Michael Gribbons, CEO and Co-Founder of Maestro Digital Mine. "This relationship will open up opportunities to both Exyn and Maestro to expand upon our current installations at over 170 mines in 38 countries globally using our patented edge based IIoT sensor technologies.”

Exyn has successfully commercialized industrial-grade multi-platform autonomy with major customers in mining, construction, and logistics.

About Exyn Technologies

Exyn Technologies is pioneering multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied environments. The company’s full-stack solution enables flexible deployment of single or multi-robots that can intelligently navigate and dynamically adapt to complex environments in real-time. For the first time, industries like mining, industrial inspection, and construction can benefit from a single, integrated solution to capture critical and time-sensitive data in a safer, more affordable, and more efficient way. Exyn is powered by a team of experts in autonomous systems, robotics, and industrial engineering, and has drawn talent from the University of Pennsylvania's world-renowned GRASP Laboratory. The company is VC-backed and privately held, with headquarters in Philadelphia. For more information, please visit

About Maestro Digital Mine

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT, and ventilation sectors, delivering energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards. Learn more about Maestro’s digital solutions at

Maestro Contact:

Nataly Argüello
Marketing Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office: 1-705-805-6918, x 218

See Press Release on Exyn’s website here.


Media Coverage: 


Drones are new canaries in the mine
Metal Tech News

Maestro Digital Mine, which specializes in industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices that make mines safer and more productive, and Exyn Technologies, a pioneer of aerial drones capable of autonomously navigating complex underground environments, have teamed up to create the 21st century equivalent of a canary in the mine – an ExynAero drone equipped with critical gas sensors manufactured by Maestro. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies Partners with Maestro Digital Mine to Expand ExynAI’s Multi-Sensing Capabilities
Mine Connect

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, today announces a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro to improve worker safety in mining
Canadian Mining Journal

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, today announces a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero and ExynPak. This partnership highlights both companies' continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro to improve worker safety in mining

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, announced Monday a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero and ExynPak. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro Digital Mine
Global Mining Review

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, has announced a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specialising in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices, to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAeroTM and ExynPakTM. This partnership highlights both companies' continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies Partners with Maestro Digital Mine to Expand ExynAI’s Multi-Sensing Capabilities
MSTA Canada (Mining Suppliers Trade Association Canada)

February 28th — Philadelphia, PA — Exyn Technologies (, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, today announces a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro Digital Mine to expand ExynAI's multi-sensing capabilities
Sudbury Mining Solution Journal

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Feb. 28: Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, today announces a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™. This partnership highlights both companies' continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro to improve worker safety in mining
Markets Insider

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, announced Monday a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero and ExynPak. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro to improve worker safety in mining
Market Trading Essentials

Now the ExynAero, a fully autonomous drone for exploring and mapping GPS-denied environments, equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor can be flown down drifts or into stopes to detect and localize any hazardous gasses without putting mining and survey teams in danger. Survey teams can easily add different gas sensors onto an ExynPak and mount it to the front of a truck or loader to capture the same gas sensor data while mapping drifts or moving ore, capturing critical data while not slowing down daily production. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro to improve worker safety in mining

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, announced Monday a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specializing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero and ExynPak. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


News from SME 2022: Maestro, Exyn partner for worker safety
Miners News

Exyn Technologies announced this week that it has come together in partnership with Industrial Internet of Things (IIot) device group Maestro Digital Mine to boost safety and production with the use of the fully autonomous ExynAero drone. Specifically, according to the companies, the ExynAero can be utilized for exploring and mapping GPS-denied environments, and since it is equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor it has the capability for flights down drifts or into stopes to detect and localize hazardous gasses without putting personnel in danger. Read more here.


Exyn Technologies partners with Maestro Digital Mine
Mining Frontier

Exyn Technologies, a pioneer in multi-platform autonomy for complex, GPS-denied industrial environments, has announced a partnership with Maestro Digital Mine, a manufacturer specialising in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices, to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground by integrating critical gas sensors onto the ExynAeroTM and ExynPakTM. This partnership highlights both companies’ continued efforts to improve worker safety and productivity in the mining industry. Read more here.


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2191 Hits

Maestro heads for the IoT edge with new future-proofed solutions

Mockup image of IoT ecosystem

Featured Article by Daniel Gleeson, Editor for International Mining (IM).

Driving out capital expenditure and standardising IIoT infrastructure have been the two key pillars propelling Maestro Digital Mine forward, and, 10 years after its formation, these two drivers are on show with its latest launches at the SME MineXchange Annual Conference & Expo in Salt Lake City.

Over the last decade, the company has become synonymous with improving underground mine ventilation safety as well as reducing blast re-entry times, with an offering that includes air quality stations, automated regulators, and “fail-safe” LED displays. Yet, Maestro’s core is IIoT devices and last mile digital networks for underground mines.

Michael Gribbons, CEO and Co-founder for Maestro, says the company’s production of “IIoT solutions” pre-dates the popular use of this acronym, with its big launch in Salt Lake City set to take Maestro into new “edge-based” territory that will allow it to cope with multiple communication protocols or artificial intelligence-led process miners look to leverage over the next decade.

He explained to IM: “We have re-envisioned and redesigned both our hardware, embedded firmware and external software to allow greater flexibility and capabilities for today and the future; the platform, if you will.”

This current hardware platform has, among other things, underpinned the success of its Vigilante AQS™, which was created to solve applications for mine ventilation monitoring and control.

Looking past the fixed automation infrastructure Maestro has made its name on, the company is now embedding its expertise into more mobile solutions that the industry has been taking a liking to, namely drones and unmanned robots.

Also featured on the Maestro stand – and the Exyn Technologies stand – at the event is an aerial drone with a Maestro gas monitoring IIoT device fitted on it.

Read the complete article in the IM website here.


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1971 Hits

Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2022

Website screen capture of the Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2022 report page



To read Michael Gribbons’ interview with Global Business Reports on page 83, click here.

For the full virtual Global Business Report, click here.


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Maestro Digital Mine adds new teaching tool to Dynamic Earth

Image of an underground mine shaft at Dynamic Earth with children wearing mine helmets walking out of a tunnel.

Spotlight article for the business section of Northern Ontario Business news.

 Company donates new mining tech for educational purposes

As part of the interactive installation now in full operation at Dynamic Earth, Maestro Digital Mine has donated and installed a digital underground communication network, air quality stations and digital displays that will help educate visitors about the Canadian-made technologies keeping miners safe in underground operations around the world. It’s all part of the company’s efforts to work collaboratively with educational institutions in the area in the hopes of attracting qualified students into the mining tech sector.

As they wind their way through Dynamic Earth’s underground tunnels, visitors can experience the mining environment and see how Maestro’s mining technologies provide real-time information from the underground mine back to the surface.

“This donation allows our community to learn about new emerging technologies,” said Michael Gribbons, President, CEO and co-founder of Maestro Digital Mine. “Dynamic Earth is one of several demonstration mines and institutions we’ve contributed to both in Canada and the USA allowing students to experience the latest technology available keeping our miners safe.”

The technology is a great visual tool to reinforce to students how safe modern mines are today.

Read the complete article here.


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2020 Hits

Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro Digital Mine unlocking value in the last-mile: connected worker and robotic dog solutions for safer mining

Image of Spot a robotic dog for underground mining

Press Release

Cape Town, South Africa, 9 May 2022: Dwyka Mining Services, authorised reseller of Maestro Digital Mine, is a specialized manufacturer of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground.

Hazardous gasses underground are an invisible threat to mining teams, who often don’t know they are in danger until it’s too late. This gas buildup can be created through the exposed strata, blasting, daily “mucking” and even runaway battery fires on critical machinery. Traditionally, the gas levels are measured by the ventilation system at the return air raises or wearable sensors donned by miners. While this fixed infrastructure has saved countless lives, mobile autonomous inspection on aerial and ground robots of strategic areas before re-entry or in emergency situations are the next step to complete real-time coverage.

In a new development being showcased for the first time at Mining Indaba, Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise robot, equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor which can be operated on mine-site, to detect hazardous gasses like Carbon Monoxide, without putting mining and ventilation teams in danger. Ventilation and mining teams will easily be able to add different gas sensors onto the connected Zephyr Air Quality Station, capturing critical environmental data to proactively identify gas or temperature challenges.

“The established client base of Maestro Digital Mine environmental sensors will allow us to make the technology mobile for broader applications. We’re very excited about this integration with Maestro Digital Mine as a future partner payload for Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise solution and look forward to continually improving worker safety for whole-of-mine deployment with our new best friend Spot.” says van Schoor.

Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise, is an agile mobile robot designed to navigate all types of terrain, allowing organisations to automate routine inspection tasks, capture data securely and safely, and allow for streamlined operations in complex and dangerous environments.

Using the Spot Enterprise on-board processing the data is shared wirelessly over WiFi and gas and temperature sensor readings are captured while the robot is in operation and displayed in real-time via the MaestroLink™ Server application. With the addition of a SLAM scanning unit sensor, like the Emesent Hovermap, readings can be saved with precise coordinates in a high-fidelity point cloud that can be exported and examined in a variety of mining software packages.

“Collaborating with our mud-in-boots partner, Dwyka Mining Services who are always pushing the envelope with technology integration with pioneering brands like Boston Dynamics, is in turn pushing us to innovate and collaborate with our core purpose of enhancing lives by the pursuit of productivity and safety excellence,” says Michael Gribbons, CEO and Co-Founder of Maestro Digital Mine. “This relationship will open up immediate opportunities to Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro in Africa and extend mobile environmental monitoring to our current installations at over 170 mines in 38 countries globally using our patented edge based IIoT sensor technologies once the solution is fully embedded.”

As the doors open to this year’s Mining Indaba on Monday, delegates will be able to see Spot ‘in the metal’ with a Zephyr AQS™ at booth 908 at Dwyka Mining Services Technology Co. in its custom see-through kennel, ready to deploy and dock back onto its charging station ahead of its next mission.

“We are excited to share our new best friend Spot and its amazing capabilities with the delegates of Mining Indaba and the global mining industry. In the spirit of technology collaboration, we have assembled the world’s best mining technologies to be on the stand with us to share and conceptualise end-to-end solutions for maximum impact for our mining clients,” states van Schoor.

“Spot is an amazing platform with almost unlimited applications. The ability to get live environmental monitoring data ‘on the go’ by extending our remote sensing capability to ‘smell’ for hazardous gas detection from our new robot dog is very exciting,” says Rethabile Letlala Operations Director Dwyka Mining Services.

The adoption of underground mining technology is linked closely with the extent of mine-wide wireless connectivity available up to the working face. Generally referred to as the ‘last-mile’, the underground section from a level access to the blast face, this area is complex to deliver robust wireless coverage. Dwyka Mining Services has delivered a range of successful projects fully deploying WiFi coverage (see Case Studies) and Spot’s capability to connect over WiFi extends mines opportunity to control Spot from surface for remote gas inspection.

About Dwyka Mining Services

Dwyka Mining Services is a pan-African mining technology platform that assists underground mining clients to adopt, and adapt to, evolving technologies with a focus on supporting efforts to improve safety, health and environmental conditions in the collaborative pursuit of the digital mine of the future.

About Dwyka Mining Services Technology Co.

As the mining industry plans and begins executing on their digital adoption roadmaps, Dwyka Mining Services will be showcasing leading global technologies at booth 908 as part of our Dwyka Technology Showcase Co. collaboration.

About Maestro Digital Mine

Maestro Digital Mine manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT, and ventilation sectors, delivering energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards. Learn more about Maestro’s digital solutions at

Maestro Contact:

Nataly Argüello
Marketing Manager
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Office: 1-705-805-6918, x218

Read the press release at Dwyka’s website.


Media Coverage: 


Dwyka and Maestro showcase robotic mobile gas sensing solution at Indaba
International Mining

Dwyka Mining Services, an authorised reseller of Maestro Digital Mine, has used the 2022 Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, South Africa, to premier a new robotic solution that is fitted with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor. Read more here.


Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro Digital Mine showcase connected worker and robotic dog solutions
Global Mining Review

In a new development being showcased for the first time at Mining Indaba, Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise robot, equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor, can be operated on site at mines to detect hazardous gasses such carbon monoxide, without putting mining and ventilation teams in danger. Read more here.


‘Spot’ in the spotlight at Mining Indaba
Mining Review Africa

Hazardous gasses underground are an invisible threat to mining teams, who often don’t know they are in danger until it’s too late. This gas buildup can be created through the exposed strata, blasting, daily “mucking” and even runaway battery fires on critical machinery. Read more here.


Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro Digital Mine unlocking value in the last mile
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal

Sudbury mining supplier pairing up with South African firm on miner safety. Dwyka Mining Services, authorized reseller of Maestro Digital Mine, is a specialized manufacturer of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground. Read more here.


Dwyka to make tech tangible at Mining Indaba, conduct live virtual walkabouts
Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly

Pan-African mining technology platform Dwyka Mining Services plans to have key technology partners join its team at the upcoming Investing in African Mining Indaba 2022 to offer their view on mining technology in an effort to “make tech tangible” for Dwyka customers. Read more here.


Robodog to sniff out gas hazards
Mining Magazine

Pan-African mining technology platform Dwyka Mining Services plans to showcase a Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise robot equipped with Maestro's IIoT gas sensor at an upcoming trade show. Dwyka Mining Services said the robot, often referred to as a "robodog", can be operated on a mine-site to detect hazardous gasses, like carbon monoxide. Read more here.


Spot the robotic dog makes its debut at this year's Mining Indaba
News 24

The Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise robot was showcased for the first time at the 2022 Mining Indaba on Wednesday at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. The robotic dog named Spot is an agile mobile robot designed to navigate all types of terrain, allowing organisations to automate routine inspection tasks, capture data securely and safely, and allow for streamlined operations in complex and dangerous environments. Read more here.


Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro Digital Mine unlocking value in the last-mile: connected worker and robotic dog solutions for safer mining
Mine Connect

Dwyka Mining Services, authorised reseller of Maestro Digital Mine, is a specialized manufacturer of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to give mining teams up-to-the-minute information about worker safety underground. Hazardous gasses underground are an invisible threat to mining teams, who often don’t know they are in danger until it’s too late. Read more here.


Spot the robotic dog gets tails wagging at mine industry conference in Cape Town
Daily Maverick

The advanced technology of the mining sector has been on full display in recent days. Last week, it was a monster hydrogen-powered truck with a 290-tonne payload. This week, at the Cape Town Mining Indaba, Spot, a robotic dog with a payload of 14kg, made a fetching appearance. On Wednesday morning, the third day of the Mining Indaba, a robotic dog named Spot walked 1.5km from the V&A Waterfront to the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Simply because he can, of course. Read more here.


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Air Control

Image of Spot a robotic dog for underground mining with a Remote Sensore J-Box mounted on it

On the Move Monitoring

Article by Daniel Gleeson, part of the Mine Ventilation feature of the July 2022 Edition of IM.

The Sudbury-based company has become synonymous with improving underground mine ventilation safety as well as reducing blast re-entry times, with an offering that includes air quality stations, automated regulators and “fail-safe” LED displays. Its core remains IIoT devices and last mile digital networks for underground mines.

At the recent 2022 Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, South Africa, Dwyka Mining Services, an authorised reseller of Maestro, made a splash, premiering a new robotic solution fitted with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor.

The Boston Dynamics Spot Enterprise robot, equipped with Maestro’s IIoT gas sensor, can be operated on mine sites to detect hazardous gases like carbon monoxide, without putting mining and ventilation teams in danger. Ventilation and mining teams will easily be able to add different gas sensors onto the connected Zephyr Air Quality Station, capturing critical environmental data to proactively identify gas or temperature challenges, according to the companies.

Using Spot Enterprise on-board processing, the data is shared wirelessly over Wi-Fi, and gas and temperature sensor readings are captured while the robot is in operation and displayed in real time via the Maestro Link™ Server application.

“This relationship will open up immediate opportunities to Dwyka Mining Services and Maestro in Africa and extend mobile environmental monitoring to our current installations at over 170 mines in 38 countries globally using our patented edge-based IIoT sensor technologies once the solution is fully embedded.”

The debut of the Spot/Zephyr AGS™ combination follows hot on the heels of another partnership with Exyn Technologies that has seen an aerial drone with a Maestro gas monitoring IIoT device fitted on it come to the fore.

This new gas monitoring drone, which will integrate critical gas sensors onto the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™ platforms, is, effectively, the “quickest and safest mobile gas monitor on the planet”, Gribbons says. “The drone is able to automatically launch and log targeted gases directly on the point cloud in any confined area without deploying mine rescue personal with Scott Air-Paks.”

This, in turn, improves worker safety and accelerates the time to obtain accurate data in emergency conditions or for more granular data at the headings for reducing blast re-entry times, he added.

Powered by ExynAI’s multi-sensor fusion capabilities, gas sensor readings are captured while the robot is in flight and displayed in real time via a ruggedised tablet, Exyn explained. These sensor readings are saved with precise coordinates in a high-fidelity point cloud that can be exported and examined in a variety of mining software.

Performance Across the Fan Curve

Maestro is also involved with ventilation developments at the Odyssey project in Quebec, Canada, part of the Canadian Malartic mine.

This project, owned through a 50:50 joint venture between Yamana Gold Inc and Agnico Eagle Ltd, will see an underground mine developed beneath the existing open-pit operations. The future Odyssey Mine will be accessed by a ramp and a shaft estimated to be 1,800 m deep.

The owners of the mine have already gone on record to say that Odyssey will feature an LTE mobile communication network, an automated fleet of 60 t trucks operated from the surface and on-demand ventilation.

Maestro is set to provide 4 x 4 m MaestroFlex™ regulators to the mine, which will help control three underground booster fans from Spain-based Zitrón.

Louis van Wyk, General Manager of Zitrón North America, says these 2.3-m diameter, 1.6 MW booster fans are some of the largest the company has supplied to underground mines.
“This is quite a big installation underground,” he said. “Normally booster fans – which mostly assist the primary fans sitting on surface – are 500-600 kW.”

Van Wyk said the company was about 80% through manufacturing these fans, with – at the time of IM’s call – factory testing at Zitrón’s facility in Spain coming up.

Read the complete article in the IM Digital Magazine here.



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Maestro Digital Mine Appoints Chief Operating Officer

Image of new Chief Operating Officer, Johanzeb Sohail

Press Release

Sudbury, ON. Canada – August 30, 2022 – Maestro Digital Mine announced that Jahanzeb Sohail has been appointed Chief Operating Officer of the Company effective today. In his new role, Mr. Sohail will oversee engineering, operations, logistics, information technology and sourcing, and lead the Company's undertaking to improve efficiency and quality across the organization.

Originally from Pakistan, the son of Sohail Rafique and Shaheen Sohail, Mr. Sohail was born and raised in Dubai, U.A.E. until he moved to London, Ontario, where he completed his undergraduate studies in B.E.Sc Electrical Engineering and a Master in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Power Systems at Western University.
Starting as an Electrical Engineer at Maestro, Mr. Sohail was responsible for managing projects, leading product development and certification testing. He later took on the role of Product Manager of the Air Quality products line, managing product performance for a much wider selection, new products and features, development life cycles, and undertaking large complex projects with multiple deliverables to customers across the world. He and his wife, Safa Ayub will be located in Sudbury.
“We are pleased that Jaha will take on this major leadership role at Maestro Digital Mine,” said Michael Gribbons, President and Chief Executive Officer, Maestro Digital Mine. “Jaha has already demonstrated leadership and success in executing strategies that are key to the success of our transformation, in our categories of IoT devices and last mile networks, and I look forward to being able to have Jaha’s skill, expertise and approach to business more broadly extended across the organization.”
Maestro Digital Mine, a division of High Grade Controls Corporation, manufactures Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) measurement and control instrumentation for the optimization of underground mine ventilation and underground digital networks for last mile communication. Maestro products are made exclusively for the underground mine automation, IT, and ventilation sectors, delivering energy savings and productivity improvements while meeting the highest health and safety standards. Learn more at

See PDF version here.

Contact for Media:
Nataly Argüello
Marketing Manager
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Maestro Digital Mine safety technology tested in German mine

Image of an Aerial drone created by Exyn Technologies, equipped with gas sensors created by Maestro Digital Mine of Sudbury, being taken out of its case to be used in an underground mine.

Len Gillis talks about the latest tested autonomous drones from Exyn Technologies equipped with Maestro environmental sensors.

Underground mining can produce a long list of hazardous gasses such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, methane and oxides of nitrogen.

Routine rock blasting is also a source of hazardous gas and there are times when mining companies incur significant time and expense to ensure that the gasses are cleared out before sending miners back into underground spaces.

Exyn recently tested some of its technology at the K+S Werra mine site in Germany where the ExynAero™ and ExynPak™ drones were equipped with gas monitoring devices created by Maestro.

Automated drones with gas testing devices can speed up the gas check procedure significantly.

Read the full article here.



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Interviews 2023, Global Business Reports: Michael Gribbons

Image of Michael Gribbons, close-cut on a blue background with heading.

Interview by Global Business Reports

Michael Gribbons: President, CEO and Co-founder of Maestro Digital Mine.

Can you outline the importance of your partnerships with Exyn Technologies and Boston Dynamics?

Maestro has two key ecosystem partnerships, and both are with autonomous devices. One is with Exyn on their autonomous drones that can find their way around a mine. The other one is Boston Dynamics' Spot, the robotic autonomous dog. We are lucky to have been identified by both companies as being the ideal partner for technology and gas monitoring. The whole application is about getting data back to the face, and both Exyn and Boston Dynamics enable technology to go into places where there is no network. I see this foremost as a worker safety apparatus. If you have an explosion in a mine and the network is down, you can send in either Spot with a big payload or you can send in an Exyn drone to get the job done quicker.

What are the keys to Maestro’s success in consistently introducing new technology into mines?

Product development is about predicting what the next phase of evolution is going to be. In that respect, you must understand the mining industry, and the new technologies that are available. You must then tailor those technologies for the industry. Maestro is not interested in incremental improvement. We are looking at step change, and we typically do that by disruption. The type of disruption we pursue is about simplifying our products. For example, we try to avoid adding a PLC, panel or any other associated pieces of software, or engineering services.

Read the full interview in the Global Business Reports website here.



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Mining Equipment: Miners rely on innovative technology to maximize value

Image of GBR Series title for Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2023

Underground Equipment

As mining operations are increasingly conducted at greater depths, various obstacles arise. Two of the most critical issues are related to air quality and energy consumption. Veteran technologist, and Maestro co-founder and CEO Michael Gribbons identified ventilation as the critical factor in managing those risks: “To start to control ventilation, you must monitor it first.”

Maestro’s new ModuDrive™ is a full digital system that allows real time data coordinate and control ventilation, resulting in lower energy costs. Gribbons points out that Maestro is getting RFQs all over the world. “Before companies did not care, they cared about productivity because in dollar terms, a 10% reduction in energy is not equivalent to a 10% increase in productivity. Companies always looked at productivity because energy had a small impact on bottom lines. That has now changed,” he said.

As a leading player in gas monitoring underground, Maestro has two key ecosystem partnerships with autonomous devices. One is with Exyn on their autonomous drones that can find their way around a mine. The other one is Boston Dynamics' Spot, the robotic autonomous dog. “The whole application is about getting data back to the face, and both Exyn and Boston Dynamics enable technology to go into places where there is no network. I see this foremost as a worker safety apparatus. If you have an explosion in a mine and the network is down, you can send in either Spot with a big payload, or you can send in an Exyn drone to get the job done quicker,” added Gribbons.

Read the full article in the Mining in Ontario and Toronto's Global Reach 2023 (Page 119) here.



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How ESG Impacts the Future of Mine Ventilation

Image of a technician working underground on a Vigilante AQS installation system

By Michael Gribbons, president, CEO, and co-founder of Maestro Digital Mine for the February/March 2023 edition of the Canadian Mining Journal

Controlling mine ventilation is far more critical today than it has been over the past decade.

Traditionally, environmental conditions are monitored to keep the miners safe, meet regulatory requirements and increase productivity by getting miners back to the face quicker. The focus from the mine perspective was rarely around energy consumption since a potential 30% savings in power was not equivalent to a 10% increase in production. Production and worker safety trumped over energy reductions in almost every case.

Flash forward to today’s global challenges where rising CO2 levels and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions account as the major man-made cause of climate change. Governments and shareholders are starting to direct industry on several ESG fronts including reducing their carbon footprint.

Outside of comminution, mine ventilation is the next largest consumer of electrical power. This electrical energy is used to move vast amounts of air throughout the mine as well as the energy required to cool and heat the air.

New sources of clean energy are being pursued for suitability, robustness, and scalability while mines transition from a diesel to an electric mobile fleet. At the same time, the current electrical grid will need to be upgraded to accommodate the extra demand for electrical power. An all-electric fleet will eliminate in-shift tail-gas emissions of CO and NO2 gases but consideration must be placed on blast gas clearance, dust, and heat removal to take advantage of lower potential ventilation requirements. Recent lithium-ion battery fires underground pose a significant risk and challenge due to the extremely high temperatures, smoke, and toxic gases that are emitted during these thermal runaway events.

What is the path forward for underground mines today?

What are the results of this investment?

What are the major considerations and potential pitfalls?


Read the full article in the Canadian Mining Journal website here.



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Maple Leaf Marvels: Maestro adds to communications backbone at Borden

Image of a Maestro Plexus PowerNet unit mounted on a mine tunnel wall

Featured article, written by Dan Gleeson, on Canadian Technologies for the April 2023 issue of International Mining Magazine

Maestro Digital Mine has now successfully expanded its Plexus PowerNet™ communications network to over 100 Plexus nodes at the Borden mine in northern Ontario – an operation that was billed as being one of the world’s first all-electric underground mines.

Plexus PowerNet™ is used as the mine’s last mile communication backbone on every level.

Newmont's Borden Mine was an early adopter of Maestro Digital Mine's technology, trialing the Plexus solution soon after its launch in late 2017. Once the mine was developed, fibre was run to each dual-level’s substation.
The Plexus PowerNet™ nodes form the foundation of the network, providing power to access points and end-point devices with their four PoE+ ports, according to Maestro. The nodes are equipped with a USB port that allows for a quick and convenient way to upgrade the firmware and store configurations. The nodes also feature simple port diagnostics that allow users to easily monitor power consumption, voltage and data rates, the company says.

Newmont uses both the Plexus PowerNet™ and CISCO access points to extend its network from its substation to the inner workings. This has allowed it to successfully run, among other advanced solutions, Sandvik's AutoMine® on LHDs, tele-remote drilling operations and telemetry. This increases safety by removing miners from hazardous working conditions, while allowing the LHDs to return to the face quickly after a blast to maximise vehicle uptime. The tele-remote applications have been reported to run 24/7, effectively executing remote mucking on three different levels simultaneously.

At the present time, all the mine’s devices are connected using the Plexus network.

Read the full article in the International Mining Magazine here.



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Maestro set to deliver first for Africa at Dwyka Tech*Carnival

Image of two employees at Dwyka Tech Carnival operating the MaestroFlex Automated Regulators

Article by Celeste Koortsen from Creamer Media for Engineering News and Mining Weekly, May 2023

Maestro debuted its MaestroFlex™ Automated Regulators at the Gallagher Convention Centre, in Midrand, Gauteng, from May 17 to 18.

The automated regulator, which uses the company’s ModuDrive™ digital IIoT actuator technology, replaces manual drop board regulators that cannot be adjusted from the surface, enabling operators on the surface to control ventilation as required either manually or using Ventilation on Demand software.

The products exemplify the company’s commitment to developing cutting-edge IIoT devices and digital networks for the underground mining sector.

“These solutions represent our ongoing effort to revolutionise the mining industry by enhancing worker safety, productivity, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
By showcasing our solutions, we aim to demonstrate our role in increasing mining, production and worker safety as well as decarbonising the planet by reducing underground mines’ electrical energy consumption,” Jacob Lachapelle, CIT of Maestro, explains.

The Plexus PowerNet™ is the first gigabit network providing data and power using coaxial cable and delivers real-time data that enables improved decision-making at mining operations.

Using the network to facilitate power and network advancement enables Maestro to implement its air quality monitoring solutions, which can optimise ventilation, allowing mines to focus on increasing production by getting more time at the working face.

Other benefits include increased equipment uptime, as airflow is directed as needed to necessary areas to enable the operation of more high capital, required equipment.
“By tailoring your ventilation to the areas where it’s required, you can bring down your overall electrical demand on your ventilation system and reduce energy consumption. Thereby, our solutions contribute to a more sustainable and efficient mining industry.

“Moreover, with the rising adoption of battery electric vehicles and underground mining, our technology plays an essential role in addressing the growing demand for that electrical energy and ensuring efficient energy management,” explains Lachapelle.

He emphasises that mining companies are investing significant resources into ensuring that their mines continue to operate 24/7, especially in countries with unreliable power supplies.

Maestro decided to exhibit at the Dwyka Tech*Carnival owing to its longstanding relationship with mining technology platform Dwyka Mining Services, which dates back to 2014.
“Dwyka MD Jamie van Schoor and I are both passionate about revolutionising the mining industry with cutting-edge technologies.

Our successful collaboration with Dwyka has led to products being deployed at over 25 mines in nine African countries. So, exhibiting at the Dwyka Tech*Carnival allows us to celebrate our shared journey with Dwyka, showcase our solutions and engage with the African mining community.”

Read the full article (page 38) here.

Read the PDF version of the article here.



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Vigilant ventilation: A Refreshed Vigilante AQS

Image of an underground miner working on a Vigilante AQS system. Behind him is a Superbrite Marquee Display mounted from the tunnel ceiling.

Featured Article, written by Dan Gleeson, on mine ventilation for the July 2023 issue of International Mining Magazine

Four years after bringing the Zephyr AQS™ to the attention of the crowds at CIM in Quebec, Canada, Maestro Digital Mine was back at the event this year to present an updated version of its flagship digital industrial internet of things solution, Vigilante AQS™.

Version two of the platform was featured on the company’s stand where employees showcased its newest capabilities.

The Vigilante AQS™ was created to solve 100% of the applications for mine ventilation monitoring and controlling, Maestro says, offering seven plug and play ports. The modular design provides extremely flexible integration to any SCADA, PLC, DCS, PLS or HMI system, according to the company. It also has a single point IP address to make the system quick, simple, and economical to match to any Ethernet-based network.

Read the full article in the International Mining Magazine here.

Learn what the Vigilante AQS™ can do for you and your mine here.



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Vent Tech Shortage Spurs Growth, New Offerings

Image of a regulator superimposed on a rock background.

Article by Jesse Morton from Engineering and Mining Journal, October Edition 2023

Making the Complex Simple

Maestro Digital Mine announced the integration of MaestroFlexTM Automated Regulators and ModuDriveTM IIoT Linear Actuators to allow the customer to set air quality sensor value thresholds from the surface. The solution empowers the actuators to dynamically adjust regulators to maintain precise environmental levels, leadership at the supplier said.

“The breakthrough lies in our dynamic edge-based decision capability integrated into the ModuDrive system,” said Jahanzeb Sohail, P.Eng., chief operating officer. The system’s ability to maintain local control independent of the service network, even during downtime, “adds a layer of resilience that the industry has never seen before.”

The solution offers improved safety underground by helping ensure workers are protected from harmful gas exposure. “It doesn’t stop there,” he said. “It also allows the capability to reduce blast clearance times, enhancing productivity and allowing miners to return to work quicker and safer.”

The “pivotal” innovation can be used to “not only safeguards lives but boost efficiency and sustainability in underground mining,” Sohail said. “In 2023, we are paving the way for a safer, more productive and environmentally responsible mining future.”

The development furthers the company’s range of cutting-edge air quality, VOD, and communication solutions for underground mining. For ventilation applications, the supplier offers sensors and systems for continuous air quality monitoring. The sensor and system data “is processed, analyzed, and provides actual insights into operating environments,” Sohail said. “A lot of the mines operate it to proactively address any potential air quality issues, ensuring safety and productivity excellence.”

A Maestro air quality monitoring system is reportedly easy to install, use, maintain, and grow, compared to an in-house system built piecemeal by a miner. It offers lower CapEx and OpEx, Sohail said.

“Our solution reduces CapEx by selling a multivariable device to customers with everything tying into one IP address,” he said. It can offer reduced engineering costs, simplified and streamlined integration, and has low infrastructure requirements.

“For example, your gas sensors, your air flows, differential pressure, and the list goes on,” can all be tied to one IP address, Sohail said.

Maestro air quality system solutions can shorten an installation project schedule by “allowing devices to be scaled and modularized,” which also allows “for the ever-expanding mine operations over time,” he said. “It allows the IoT solutions to basically be scalable, manageable and maintainable, for every factor of the mine, especially operators…”

Read the full article in the International Mining Magazine here.



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Mining’s Ventilation Vanguard: How Asset Managers Influence ESG Integration in Mine Ventilation Strategies

Infographic showing investment in production over time in years

Article by Jacob Lachapelle, CIT at Maestro Digital Mine, for the Canadian Mining Journal, November Edition 2023

There is a transformation taking place in mining, and it is not being driven by regulatory guidelines and public sentiment, but by financial juggernauts that control the purse strings of this industry.

BlackRock is at the frontline of this movement, placing a strong emphasis on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. This shift towards ESG is reshaping the landscape of investment strategies in the mining sector, pushing companies to evolve and adapt to meet these new criteria.

Fink and BlackRock are part of a larger shift in the financial industry that views sustainability as a financial necessity. This shift is clearly visible in the actions of asset managers such as BlackRock and Vanguard who handle trillions of dollars in investment dollars. They are increasingly prioritizing ESG factors by providing guidelines for industries and businesses to adhere to ESG standards.

Confronted with this reality, mining companies find themselves at a crossroads. Given the capital-intensive nature of their operations and their reliance on external funding, mining companies must demonstrate an unwavering commitment to ESG goals to secure the necessary funding.  

The inherently capital-intensive nature of the mining sector makes it particularly vulnerable to shifts in investment criteria. While other industries may have more flexibility to adapt to changing expectations, the significant upfront costs and long project timelines associated with mining mean that companies in this sector must be proactive in aligning their operations with ESG principles.

Examining the differences between the mining sector and traditional industries reveals the unique challenges mining companies face.

Read the PDF version of this article here.

Read the complete article at the CMJ Digital Edition site here (Page 20).



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