Real time data means more time at the face.

Real time data means more time at the face.

Fortin Discovery Lab – An Innovative Talent Development Think Tank

Jahanzeb Sohail, an electrical engineer with Maestro Digital Lab, carefully monitors EMC testing of a product in the final stages of development.

The Fortin Discovery Lab, which opened November 5, 2014, is the brainchild of Tom Fortin, founder of Ontrak Control Systems.

Located in the NORCAT Innovation Mill in Sudbury, the goal of the centre is to develop entrepreneurial talent. Thanks to a FedNor contribution of $400,000, the lab features 3-D printers, as well as equipment for computer numerical controlled mold making, laser micromachining and electromagnetic compatibility certification. With its state-of-the-art tools, the Discovery Lab helps engineers and technologists transform concepts into certified products ready for export anywhere in the world.

Frustrated that so many products are being manufactured overseas, Fortin created the lab to help people acquire the skills needed to create a strong, innovative manufacturing sector here in Northern Ontario. In addition, by helping people design and produce their own products, it supports regional job and wealth creation.

Read more of the article in the Fednor section of the Government of Canada website here.


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