Real time data means more time at the face.

Real time data means more time at the face.

Looking to an LTE future

LTE private networks are booming in mining now both surface and underground, driven by the greater demands of multiple applications and the speed of automation implementation meaning WiFi cannot always deliver, reports Paul Moore.

On 66 page: Maestro Plexus at Borden

Identifying the mining industry’s rising demand for real-time data, Maestro Digital Mine works with mining companies around the world, such as Newmont Goldcorp, to address the challenges associated with traditional communication backbone solutions (broadband and fibre).Newmont Goldcorp’s Borden Mine became one of the first mines to integrate Maestro Digital Mine’s Plexus PowerNet™, which it says addresses the challenges associated with extending fibre optic-based communication backbone solutions for “last mile” data applications. Newmont Goldcorp’s Borden Mine is located in Northern Canada, 11 km northeast of Chapleau, Ontario.

Read more of the article in International Mining Magazine here (PDF).

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Enabling The Digital Mine
Maestro rolls up its sleeves to facilitate the dig...